Composed by Eddie Wildman (B. Mus) in 2007 this one-act opera about a candidate being initiated is for Masons only. Performed in YN&ER and in the Province of Cheshire it has raised considerable funds for Yorkshire Air Ambulance and other charities.
Cast List:
WM: Philip Daniels; SW: Barry Kensett; JW: Ean Blair; Chaplain: Bill Vokes; Secretary: Ian Grant; DC: Malcolm Ladd; SD: John Chapman; JD: John Wheeldon; IG: Adrian Rawnsley; Tyler: Terry Lynn; Vocal Visitors: Mike Birks, Paul Ralph, David Johnstone, John Chew, John Broughton, Christian Newlove; Candidate: Peter Spencer. Lighting Technician: John Stebbings; Publicity/Admin: Sam Judah.