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Recent Performances

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Monday 25th November 2024:

Alas, Covid struck and rather than risk the health of some of the more elderly Andrew Marvell Brethren, Eddie, Craig and Tom Calkwell decided to cancel the intended performance of Writing the Minutes; Tom placed himself in isolation, and Eddie persuaded Craig have a night off, giving a brief solo talk about Medieval Master Masons which was well received by the L6542 Brethren.

Friday 18th October 2024:


Brothers Jason Smith, Jamie Knott, Craig Maurier and Eddie Wildman stood to give greetings from Humber 57 at the Masonic Hall, 1 Kings Road, Cleethorpes in the Masonic Province of Lincolnshire. Craig (a Past Master of L7648) had organised a custom-built Daggards presentation for the benefit of the more recent members and the younger Masons visiting, though it is fair to say that the more experienced Brethren also enjoyed it. There were some forty-odd Brethren there, which was flattering.


Entering in top hat, white tie and tails as though just from the consecration of the Lodge, but with ghostly wails, the spectres of Founder Members Heckford and Spray (Craig and Eddie) pushed past the Inner Guard and dilated on the 1° enactment taking place, with the usual Daggards repartee, explaining the meaning behind much of the action - the use of the Trowel, the irregular steps, the way the Candidate was prepared for the ceremony etc. in addition to background information about the "Fish and Chip Lodge" (consecrated in 1959.) Bro Richard Harrison, the Junior Deacon, coped very well with the interruptions, as did the Candidate, Bro Tim Coney. Special mention must also be made of W Bro Paul Sherridan, who delivered the Working Tools, and W Bro Nick Brokenshire who was awarded honorary membership that evening by the WM, W Bro Nick Tomlinson, who left his place to go to Nick's wheelchair.


The Festive Board was as friendly and convivial as always - it was good to see how quickly Bros Smith and Knott took to the variations following the toasts (not at all like Humber working) and the singing of "Prosper the Art" and "Worthy Masons All."


It was a late night but a happy one!

Wednesday 19th June 2024:


The Phoenix Lodge 9963 hosted a costumed performance of Writing the Minutes which  is set in 1765, wherein the long-suffering Secretary was attempting to record the events of the previous day's initiation ceremony despite the interruptions of the annoyingly persistent Right Worshipful Master and Senior Warden. The participants were played (in costume) by Craig Maurier, Tom Cawkwell and Eddie Wildman, aided by Neil Armstrong operating the screen images.


Like the participants, the WM wears a tricorn in this Lodge, which meets in an upper room in the Sail Loft at the Sailmakers Arms, 159 High St Hull.Old Town. 

W Bro Peter Kenyon-Brodie, Worshipful Master, thanked the Daggards for their sterling performance, which will be repeated at the Andrew Marvell Lodge on 9th December. This was Tom Cawkwell's debut appearance and his fellow Daggards were well impressed.

Eddie Wildman


Saturday 11th May 2024:

In the dimly lit streets of Victorian Hull, a group of men known as the night-soil men embarked on their nightly journey, a task essential yet shrouded in the cloak of night. These unsung heroes, tasked with the collection and disposal of a Town's waste, were pivotal to the sanitation and health of the Town. Their story, often overlooked, found a voice last night in the hands of the Kingston Daggards trio, bringing to light the tales of these nocturnal labourers. 

W Bro Chris Lefevre was standing-in for the Worshipful Master of Lord Bolton Lodge 3263 and he nor the Brethren knew what to expect when they requested this performance at their meeting, They say there is no better cure to lift the spirits than laughter. It’s like having an emotional colonic. Cleans out all of the stuff and purifies the soul.

And so it seemed, judging by the sniggering, and chuckling at the sight of Mr Obadiah Gibson (Eddie) shuffling along in his greatcoat, scarf, wig, and mop hat. Laughter soon mixed with flabbergasted gawps of shock as he began to tell his tale.

The performance was not just a retelling of historical events but an immersive experience that transported the Brethren back in time, to the flickering gaslit Town, each new PowerPoint slide adding depth to the storytelling; all under the skilful control of our techie Carl Proctor. 

Eddie Wildman and Neil Armstrong embodied their characters with such conviction that one could almost smell the musty air and feel the weight of the nightsoil buckets they carried.

The narrative was a blend of personal stories and broader social commentary, highlighting the struggles and triumphs of the night-soil men. It shed light on the importance of their work, which tried to keep diseases like cholera at bay; together with the societal stigma and tragedy they faced despite their indispensable role.

As the curtain fell, it was clear that "The Night-Soil Men" was more than just a short playlet; it serves as a powerful reminder of the resilience and fortitude of the working class, whose stories are often left in the shadows. It is through such researched and artistic endeavours that we can shine a light on the forgotten chapters of our past and appreciate the foundations upon which our modern world is built. Something that Bro Senior Warden Bird remarked upon at the Festive Board, after we had enjoyed the superb three meat buffet prepared by Chef Luke Pyrah.

Carl gave his first ever response to the Visitor’s toast and was fortunate to win a bottle of Champagne at the raffle. An altogether enjoyable evening in the company of the Lord Bolton Brethren.

Neil Armstrong



Thursday 22nd February 2024:


Bah Humbug!


The Lodge of St Michael 7833 hosted a presentation of Neil Armstrong's thoughtful examination of Dickens' Christmas Carol at Dagger Lane. The meeting upstairs, under the able mastership of W Bro Peter Stokes started (by design) half an hour later than usual; the meal afterwards similarly was reduced to two courses: this experimental initiative is designed to make it easier for younger Brethren to battle the traffic into town and park and to accommodate the more elderly who cannot cope with eating a hearty meal before bed.

Two dozen attended, five from three sister Lodges (including Neil and Gary from Kingston).

The Lodge meeting was kept as brief as possible (despite those who never use a sentence when a paragraph will do) and the presentation deferred to be delivered downstairs, where the projector and screen were already set up. Consequently the Brethren could buy a drink at the bar and watch the half-hour show in comfort.

Neil's two-man show (with Gary operating the slide changes from the sidelines) places Dickens in context as a social reformer, particularly through his Christmas Carol which significantly changed the awareness of Britain and the Empire to the hardships endured by the Victorian poor. However, his quotations from the novel (Eddie Wildman playing the parts of Scrooge, the ghosts and others) demonstrate a moral, social and cultural sensitivity strongly resonating with Masonic principles. Neil spoke of local benefactors, including some featured in oil and stone at Dagger Lane and mentioned Dickens' visits to Hull to give readings.

The presentation was well received, the bar reopened, the Chicken Pie served. Gary responded to the Senior Warden's toast to the visitors. Bro Leslie Thornet kindly took a snapshot of Neil, Gary and myself afterwards. It had been a good evening, and it was nice to have an early night for a change!

 Eddie Wildman

Saturday 27th January 2024:

Burns Night

Technical Lodge 5666 is well-known for its Burns Nights over the past couple of decades,and this evening was another resounding success, with Whisky Master Philip Daniels (Known as Phil McDaniels during the evening) and other Daggard performers, on this occasion with Rob(Mc)Atkinson as the Master of Ceremonies, John (Mc)Chapman, Jimmy (Mc)Kerr and David (Mc)Turner as the three tenors, Richard (Mc)Smedders as the bass baritone, and Philip sang baritone while I accompanied and compered the show, singing in the occasional bass line.

The WM, W Bro Ian Parkinson was the Chieftan, with the toast to the Immortal Memory, his good lady, Vikki Barber responding superbly with wit and panache. The piper, Cameron, was in excellent form and performed at the door of the reception hall, piping in the Chieftan, plus the arrival of the Haggis (Jimmy 2 KIlts gave the address - Mark (Mc)Cusack the response) carried by the Beverley Road Chef, Luke (Mc)Pyrah, and for Auld Lang Syne at the end.

I'll not detail all the songs and jokes; it had been a wonderful evening. Let me thank the Daggards who made it special: it is a privilege to work with them.

[Photo of Eddie in his highland outfit by Louis Morgan.]

Eddie Wildman

Tuesday 28th November 2023:


The Humber Daggards at Cleethorpes


Humber Lodge was well represented at the Vigilantes Lodge 7264 not only by W Bros Eddie Wildman, Richard Smedley and David Terry but also by W Bro Alan Todd who is Junior Warden in both L57 and L7264. The occasion was the Vigilantes White Table Christmas Lodge (they don't meet in December and use the opportunity to get together and sing carols at the end of November instead) and the Humber Daggards were invited to give a performance of Festive Board Entertainment in the Lodge Room upstairs after the brief Lodge meeting (ballot and reports.)


Over seventy folk were there, enthusiastically joining in the choruses in the various songs and chuckling at David's jokes. Both David and Richard were in fine voice and (according to a perceptive lady in the audience who thanked us afterwards) all three of us blended perfectly when we sang in close harmony (The Tablers' Grace to Tallis's Canon.) It was a thoroughly enjoyable evening - there were carols at the festive board, and also the Song to the Visitors - not generally performed at this South Bank Lodge but much appreciated.


The Daggards are very grateful for the kind contribution which will of course be used in supporting local charity: many thanks to the Worshipful Master, Bro J V Starkey and all the members of the Vigilalntes Lodge which looked after us so well.



[Photograph of Richard, Eddie and David by Trish Todd. Photograph of WM J V Starkey, Lodge Treasurer K R Hedison, Richard, David and Eddie by W Bro John Armstrong of Smyth Lodge 2284.]

Eddie Wildman

Monday 16th October 2023:

That Bright Morning Star

Neil Armstrong's Holderness Lecture

Holderness Lodge 3563 was let down by the intended visiting lecturer but W Bro Neil Armstrong PPGSwdB (a member of the Daggards) obliged at very short notice with a custom-built PowerPoint presentation with a stunning talk on "Venus, that Bright Morning Star" which features on several occasions in Masonic ritual. After the sun and moon, the planet Venus (known by the Ancient Greeks as Phosphorus and by the Romans as Lucifer) is the brightest celestial body in the night sky. "It is often confused with the Dog Star," Neil told me. "You cannot be Sirius," I replied.

The WM, W Bro Darren Wiseman opened the Beverley Rd Lodge promptly at 6:30 and after confirming the minutes of the previous meeting, invited Neil to speak. We listened as he dilated on the orbital curiousity of the second planet from the sun: Earth and Venus have a near orbital resonance of 13:8 (Earth orbits eight times for every 13 orbits of Venus). Therefore they approach each other and reach inferior conjunction in synodic periods of 584 days, on average. The path that Venus makes in relation to Earth viewed geocentrically draws a pentagram over five synodic periods, shifting every period by 144°. This pentagram of Venus is sometimes referred to as the petals of Venus due to the path's visual similarity to a flower. which is in the strange relationship of 5:8 with the Earth. 

The pentagram featured in some of Neil's presentation (I was still trying to work out the maths in my head) and the predictable accuracy of this figuration, he said, can be represented by the five-pointed star which may be seen in the Lodge. He mentioned Stonehenge incorporating the orbit of this essentially female heavenly body (hence Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus) and speculated that in the 3° every Master Mason is raised in her symbolic light.

The lecture was short, but packed with information regarding portents, the rise and fall of a  forgotten Phonician city and its connection with the Israelites, the 1° Tracing Board, and the Knights Templar. (I was still musing on how much Neil had found in relation to a glance at the evening sky when I arrived home.)

There were reports from the Charity Steward, the Almoner, the Mentor and the Royal Arch Representative before W Bro Wiseman rose for greetings. These were extended from visitors from Kingston Lodge 1010Minerva Lodge 250 and Humber 57. The Master closed the Lodge in due form and we headed downstairs for the evening meal. W Bro Bob Wallace gave me a lift home, which was very welcome as the night was very cold. The sky, however, was full of stars. Venus was shining brightly within the constellation of Leo, and I gave her little nod of recognition before unlocking my door and composing this report on my laptop. It had been a most interesting evening: thanks, Neil!

[Photo of Neil Armstrong by Eddie Wildman.]

Monday 2nd October 2023:

The Night Soil Men was originally conceived during the pandemic as a Zoom presentation but has been demonstrated as a "live" performance subsequently. The fascinating subject of the appalling living conditions and hopeless hygiene of the slums in Victorian Hull and the consequent outbreaks of disease fascinated (and horrified) a sizable and very attentive audience of Humber Installed Masters; the WM, W Bro Philip H Daniels PPSGW spoke of the enormous amount of research, photographic evidence and acting skills together with the technical expertise of W Bro Craig Maurier who flawlessly illustrated the PowerPoint slides during the drama between Eddie Wildman PPGO and Neil Armstrong PPGSwdB (playing several characters throughout.) The Daggards are grateful for the kind donation: thanks, L2494!

[Photograph of Neil, Philip, Eddie and Craig by by Ben Kelly]

Friday 4th August 2023:

Eddie Wildman was invited to the Technical Lodge of Instruction 5666 to speak on the subject of delivering ritual: the occasion went well, for after the Lodge opened (with the LoI Officers in place) the honorary Grand Lodge Officer spoke briefly of the legacy of Demosthenes and Cicero, the necessity of understanding the ritual, some tips for memorising it, the value of clarity, pace and deportment, giving examples of danger areas, mispronunciations and common errors.

The Lodge continued a first degree working, curtailed after the Ancient Charge as most of the Brethren had booked places at the nearby curry house. W Bros John Chapman and Rob Atkinson took photographs of the team and supporting Brethren. W Bro Ian Parkinson took the Chair, and W Bro Paul Hillary was Lecture Master for the evening.

Daggards John Chapman and Rob Atkinson took photographs - there were twenty-two folk there; David Turner, another Daggard, kindly taxied me to the meeting and back home afterwards. Well done all!


[This photograph by John Chapman.]

 Eddie Wildman

Saturday 29th July 2023:

The Widows Sons Lodge 10011 met for its seventh regular meeting at the Hull Ionians RUFC Clubhouse, Brantingham Park, Elloughton in East Yorkshire by dispensation, and the enormous building was full to capacity with hundreds of Masonic bikers in their (Masonic) leathers, some having travelled enormous distances to be there. It was interesting to see the WM W Bro Dave Brocklesby and his Wardens, W Bros Pete Younger and Paul Bull at their places, each seated on large and immaculately maintained machines (there's a whole vocabulary of Beasts, Hogs and other terms used by the Dilligafs but I'll not torque of such things here.) There had already been a magnificent rally, and the processional arrival of the bikers, welcomed into the extensive grounds by a piper was a magnificent sight. One reporter on the Facebook wrote "Chapters from all 4 corners of the country came together & enjoyed each others company in peace love & harmony. The bikes raw'd, the beer flowed & the party rocked."

The meeting was supported by the Provincial Grand Master of Yorkshire North & East Ridings, Rt W Bro Dr David Chambers (accompanied by an escort of Active Provincial Officers under the direction of his DC, W Bro Karl Ward, with the PGM of West Yorkshire, Rt W Bro James H Newman OBE. The Assistant Provincial Grand Master of Durham was there and numerous high ranking Officers.

The meeting was brief, and afterwards the Brethren were joined by their partners and guests (a number of them obviously enthusiastic bikers too) and the Humber Daggards (W Bros David Terry, Richard Smedley and Eddie Wildman) gave half an hour's entertainment with Festive Board Songs in their inimitable style.


We were glad we'd arrived early to set up: the huge room, surrounded by soft furnishings and full of warm people posed its own challenge "We'll have to double the volume," we decided - and the performance was very well received. The Daggards extend their grateful thanks to W Bro Paul Bull for asking us to be there, and to the Widows Sons for their generous donation.

 [Photographs by W Bro John Rees.]

Eddie Wildman

Saturday 28th January 2023:


The dining hall at Beverley Road was full to capacity for the Burns Night Celebrations which have become a significent feature of Technical Lodge's social calendar. Philip Daniels had again organised a selection of high-class whiskies which punctuated the evening, now explained by his careful tasting notes provided on the screen at the appropriate points. Jim (Two Kilts) Kerr provided pictures of Scottish scenes during the meal, and the words to the song choruses afterwards. The traditional Scottish fare, lovingly produced by the chef Luke Pyrah, was well appreciated too. Luke brought in the haggis for the toast (Jim Kerr - a superb performance) preceded by the piper, Cameron Sheppherd from Kilmarnock who had entertained before the festive board in addition to "Auld Lang Syne" at the end. The toast to the Bard and to
the Lassies was given by Danny Laughton, the Worshipful Master, and his wife Donna responded magnificently. The Daggards provided entertainment: Rob Atkinson made his debut with John Chapman in "Speed Bonny Boat", and the other familiar faces were Richard Smedley, David Turner, Phil Daniels, and myself providing the links between items - including some jokes which produced some very satisfying groans. The community songs were delivered with gusto. The Daggards are very grateful for the kind donation which will shortly be properly applied.

[Photograph of Cameron, Donna and Danny by Dave Turner and Rob Atkinson.]

 Eddie Wildman

Thursday 22nd September 2022:

W Bro Terry Lynn gave his illustrated presentation "From Kingston upon Thames to Kingston upon Hull" for the sexagesimus Founders Night celebration at the Lodge of St Michael 7833, reflecting on life in London from the mid forties, bringing happy nods of recollection at the mention of inkwells and milk monitors, and noting differences in ritual experienced over the UK and beyond. Lots of people came to thank him afterwards and to mention recollections of their own childhoods in the pre-digital age. The WM, W Bro Peter Stokes gave the Daggards a donation  for local charities afterwards, which was gratefully received.

[Photograph of Terry Lynn by Peter Stokes]

Thursday 8th September 2022:


Despite the bad news of the death of her Majesty the Queen earlier that afternoon it was decided that the Lodge proceedings would continue, though the business of the evening was preceded by a minute's silence. David Terry and I were at St. Cuthbert's Lodge 630 in Howden This fine old Lodge, consecrated in 1845, boasts a spiral staircase, but several Brethren assisted in taking the keyboard and other props into the Lodge Room, where we set up our equipment for a performance of The Medieval Engineers.

The WM, Matt Dalby, alas, had tested positive for covid and couldn't attend, so the IPM,  W Bro Gordon Brian Gould PPAGStB presided over the election of the WM for next year, and also the Treasurer and Tyler and committee members. A joining member was ballotted for and welcomed - W Bro Alistair Jones PPJGD said he was keen to become an active part of the Lodge.

I had the honour of presenting a Grand Lodge Certificate to Bro Brown, which was well received.

The next business was the presentation of the Daggards account about young Cedric, (Bro Steven Poulton was our selected Candidate and he performed admirably) a fourteen-year-old farmhand who decided to make his future cutting and trimming stone. As he grew older and more skilled he advanced in the craft of masonry. David and I sometimes took on the roles of professors as Cedric aged, explaining the correlation with the building of the magnificent edifices and the creation of a cathedral of the mind, based on the principles of truth and morality. This was interspersed with songs, and the Brethren enthusiastically joined in.

The Lodge was closed in due form and the Brethren spiralled below to the festive board - once again we had help with music stands and equipment (this was very welcome!) As I was available, we had music downstairs, and for the first time in my Masonic career, I played the national anthem to the words "God save the King."  The Brethren enjoyed "musical points" after the toasts and David sang the Visitors Song and "Happy to meet again."

Many thanks to David, not only for his invaluable skills as a Daggard, but for driving me to and from Howden. We agreed it had been a splendid evening - the St Cuthbert's Brethren had made us very welcome, and we had enjoyed ourselves.

[Photograph L to R: Brian Gould, Eddie Wildman, Steven Poulson and David Terry]

Eddie Wildman, Daggard

Tuesday 9th August 2022:


Humber Lodge 57 enjoyed an illustrated presentation by W Bro Terry Lynn of the Lodge of St Michael 7833. The  evening was sultry and the WM, W Bro Mike Potts announced that Terry's presentation would be given downstairs before the festive board, where it was cooler and everyone could purchase a drink from the bar beforehand.

Terry spoke of his Peckham upbringing (many of the listeners nodding their heads as he talked about the Robin Reliant and how children played on the bomb sites). "Heating water was expensive," he remarked, "so most people only bathed once a week - and perhaps we're going to have to do the same again, soon."

He told the Lodge about differences in ritual in London (Emulation) working, citing that as the reason he had joined the Lodge of St Michael, and regaled us with tales of visits to Cumbria, Wales,Scotland and Tenerife where the Masonic meetings often bore little resemblance to those in Hull. "But the principals of the Fraternity remain the same all over the globe," he averred. "Brotherly love, relief and truth, and, of course, friendship" It was a lovely evening.

[Photograph of Terry Lynn by Eddie Wildman]



Tuesday 12th July 2022:

Humber Lodge 57 saw a performance of Hand Over Back with  Craig Maurier, Eddie Wildman and Neil Armstrong, who delivered this tale of duplicity, dishonour and a dreadful murder  downstairs at Dagger Lane after the WM, W Bro Michael Potts had opened and closed the Lodge upstairs. It was cooler, and the Brethren enjoyed a pre-prandial drink in the dining hall before the lasagne repast. The Daggards trio changed hats, wigs and characters, explaining the iniquitous trial following the fatal duel and the intervention of the Grand Master so that justice was served. Neil excelled himself as Counsel for the Prosecution, his fierce snarl causing even the most intrepid of the Brethren to turn pale.

[Photograph of Craig, Neil and Eddie by Richard Smedley.]

Friday 8th April 2022:

De la Pole Lodge 1605 invited Eddie Wildman and Neil Armstrong to present Hansel and Gretel at the Freemasons Lodge, with Neil expertly manipulating the slides as Eddie spoke.  It was very well received, and WM Ben Kelly thanked the performers. It was only afterwards that Eddie admitted it had been with some trepidation he had delivered this particular lecture, as it deals with the psychological implications within the folk tale and the deeper unconscious ramifications of the imagery; and a number of the de la Pole Brethren are well versed in psychology, neuroscience and the like. However, nobody took him to task, and for that he was very grateful! It was a short meeting, the only other business being a ballot and the presentation of a Grand Lodge Certificate. The festive board was excellent. Many thanks to the de la Pole Lodge for the welcome they accorded the Daggards, and their kind reception of the lecture!

[Photograph of Eddie by Neil Armstrong]

Saturday 12th March 2022:

Mutual Defence and Support - Are our Lodges going down the Plughole? This commissioned live presentation tackled the vexing problem of post-covid decline in the Lodges and other Orders that meet at Beverley Road Masonic Hall. Eddie Wildman and Neil Armstrong looked at the issues in apresentation specifically designed to invite comments and discussion afterwards. The meeting took place at the Lord Bolton Lodge 3263, Beverley Road, Hull, and many interesting comments, observations and suggestions were made by the appreciative audience. 

Tuesday 8th March 2022:

Humber Lodge 57 saw a live performance of Hansel & Gretel in the Freemasons Lodge by Eddie Wildman and Richard Smedley. This was given after the brief meeting and before the Festive Board, the dining room offering the opportunity to use Dagger Lane's excellent projector and screen - and to let the Brethren enjoy the disection of the Grimm's folk tale and consider its application to Freemasonry with drinks in their hands. Donations were made afterwards to the Ukranian appeal, and the Daggards were pleased to contribute.

Thursday 13th January 2022:

Brian Sharrock of the Three Pillars Learning Circle in Dorset engaged the Daggards Quartet to perform Aliens with Attitude to a select audience including watchers in Essex and Virginia. The Brethren responded well to the questions at the end and said how much they enjoyed the Daggards' method of combing humour with their presentations. Craig, David, Eddie and Neil were pleased to start 2022 with this light-hearted romp.

Friday 3rd November 2021:

"Covid's not going to go away," remarked a Brother recently, "and we will have to learn to live with it." It is certainly a point of view; while Brethren are returning to Lodges, following the recent scare about the Omicron variant, Zoom presentations are again gaining popularity. There were over fifty enthusiastic viewers for the Daggards Quartet in King Solomon's Ring in which Bob and Mildred are transported back in time to the almost completed Temple, and encounter the King himself. The Masonic Learning Circle extends over the world: there were positive comments from Greece, Bulgaria, Canada, India and Scotland. "A phenomenal job" texted one Brother, "a magnificent depiction and description of the temple" wrote another. The Daggards thank you all for the comments from far and wide (Sussex, Lincoln and Worcestershir) and for laughing at all the awful jokes, all from the comfort of home.

Thursday 25th November 2021:

W Bros Eddie Wildman and Terry Lynn presented I know the answers but what do the questions mean? to a gathering of twenty Brethren at the Lodge of St Michael 7833 and the WM, W Bro John Watkins remarked how useful it was to revisit the lines we had all learnt when we began in Freemasonry and to be reminded of the meaning behind the catechisms. It was of particular interest to the Entered Apprentice and Fellow Craft at the meeting.

Thursday 5th August 2021:

Zoom presentation

David Terry as Jack the Ripper confessing to his crimes dominates this script magnificently. His ability to make one's flesh creep as he describes his murders was repeatedly remarked upon by the audience from the Kingston Lodge 1010 - one member said afterwards "That's the last time I'm having any sausages at your barbecues, David!" Craig, Neil and Eddie took the parts of many other characters, including the Ripper's victims, with appropriate changes of voice, accent and gender. The small audience, who stayed rivetted to the screen (pictures by Neil - technology by Craig) for this blockbuster 75 minute performance were enthusiastic in their praise: "Many thanks for a fine evening of entertainment - a superb production" emailed Malcolm Wtkinson - a regular attender, while our great supporter Louis Morgan was eloquently complimentary onscreen. The Daggards thank Mike Price, WM for giving us the opportunity to premier so many of our Zoom presentations.

Tuesday 3rd August 2021:

Zoom presentation

Gordon W Michie, Right Worshipful Master of The Lodge, Hope of Kurrachee 337, Fife's Premiere Lodge of Research, invited the Daggards Zoom Quartet to  perform Those in Peril on the Sea as one of its weekly masonic lockdown lectures (in fact the 74th lecture since the Grand Lodge of Scotland wisely suspended physical meetings -watch this space.) Despite Rangers playing Malmo the presentation was very well attended, and while many of the Brethren were from Scotland there was a global element - the LHK enjoys a huge audience ranging from Canada and New Zealand to Sunny Spain. Neil (whose illustrations had been acknowledged as "superb")  remarked how humbling it was to be praised by those Lifeboat Crew who were part of the audience; as the RWM remarked "We have some of those brave men here with us this evening." There were many positive comments, for which the Daggards are very grateful, and we thank R W Bro Michie for his kind words: "a hugely powerful presentation." We hope to visit there again!

Monday 26th July 2021:

Zoom presentation

The half-hour spent chatting while the many visitors virtually assembled - once again an international gathering - was an opportunity to say hello to now familiar faces from all over the world, and to exchange technical advice - someone in Singapore explained to someone in America how to manipulate the Zoom technogy to add their Masonic rank to their name; and to see the host Bazza Longstaff and his team of technicians assisting with the smooth running of his global Masonic Circle and Masons - including female Freemasons - from all over the world. The UK was well represented. There were Rulers from different Provinces and Districts, and also E. Comp. Jonothan Mark Mitchell Smith, one of the Principals from the Chapter of Yorkshire North & East Ridings, who answered some of the visitors' question with his customary panache. The presentation by the Daggards Quartet was The Online Chapter Experience - a typical fast-moving whistle-stop tour of the story behind the Royal Arch, with such characters as King Zerubbabel
Scan029 reversed (Mobile).jpg(who introduced himself with a song) -Scribes Ezra and Nehemiah and the Sojourners. The crusty Companions Tassell and Skirrett exchanged insults, and the Teacher kept interrupting with Audio-Visual footnotes to explain things. The Daggards asked the Zoomers questions, and some were answered correctly. Perhaps in retaliation, there were questions for the Daggards too, but as there were Entered Apprentices, Fellow Crafts and non-Chapter Masons present. the symbology and esoteric applications were minimised. Some of the audience are very deep thinkers. Comments afterwards were very positive - one Brother remarked "A most unique Masonic lesson - great fun!" VWB Maxine, Grand Secretary, Grand Scribe E and Chair of HFAF University Scheme from Freemasonry for Women, wrote to Bazza at the Masonic Circle afterwards saying "I haven't laughed so much at a masonic presentation as I just have. Absolutely brilliant.Thank you all and please thank the Daggards for me for such an enjoyable and also enlightening presentation - I learnt a few things, which I love to do. Can't wait to join you again."

Thank you all for watching!

Wednesday 21st July 2021:

Zoom presentation

A small but appreciative audience from the Kingston Lodge 1010 forwent the delights of the summer sunshine and the relaxing of Lockdown restrictions to watch the Daggards Quartet's debut presentation of King Solomon's Ring, featuring Craig Maurier as the inestimable Djinn Asmodeus. "I loved the masonic references" emailed one of the Brethren.
The forty-five minute presentation takes place in King Solomon's Temple just before its completion. Bob and Mildred, translocated there from the 2ist century, get to witness events in the making with three very dodgy men of Tyre.

Monday 28th June 2021:

Zoom presentation

For their second post lock-down meeting, Andrew Marvell Lodge 5642 (Master W Bro Malcolm Forbes) enjoyed a convivial gathering with visitors from sister Lodges to hear the Daggards presentation Hansel and Gretel in the Freemasons Lodge by Eddie Wildman and Craig Maurier, with Fish and Chips afterwards. There was a real sense of returning to normality, and a positive feeling as a joining member was ballotted for and accepted, and another proposed. The Lodge kindly made a donation to the Daggards, which will of course be used towards supporting local charities.

Friday 25th June 2021:

Zoom presentation

A select gathering of members of the St Peter Lodge No. 7648 watched the Daggards' presentation Heavenly Bodies. Written by Eddie Wildman and given on this ocassion by Craig Maurier PPGStwd, the presentation was well received by the Brethren present and a lively discussion ensued.

Monday 21st June 2021:

Zoom presentation

This evening W Bro Barry Longstaff hosted a Learning Circle meeting to a wide global audience. Seventy-one participants including the GM HFAF Christine Chapman and also Rabih Jarmakani - DGM Lebanon attended W. Bro Craig Maurier’s Zoom presentation of It is written in the Stars.

Such an esoteric subject would typically go over the heads of many masons, yet Craig guided those present through the mysterious depths of his multifaceted subject matter. He skilfully encouraged a desire to seek, understand and contemplate the inner or hidden side of the Craft, coupled with an effort to plumb those depths in our own lives.

Comments from the worldwide audience included, ‘Very well delivered’ ‘Very thought provoking’ ‘Thank you so much for a wonderful talk’.

A lively and informative Q&A session followed, clearly dispelling the definition of esoteric as "understood by only a chosen few".

Report by Neil Armstrong

Wednesday 16th June 2021:

Zoom presentation

At the request of the MEZ of Kingston Chapter 1010 a three-handed presentation of The Online Chapter Experience by E Comps Neil Armstrong, Craig Maurier and Eddie Wildman. This whistle-stop illustrated explanation of what the Chapter is about, told by eleven characters including Scribes Ezra and Nehemiah was well received: one visitor opined it should be presented to all those who have recently joined the Chapter, as it encapsulated the story in a nutshell with the usual Daggards light touch. The Zoom Companions were a formidable audience - the Provincial Grand Superintendent is a member of the Kingston Chapter and was there, but the Companions answered the questions enthusiastically and got most of them right! The Daggards are grateful for the opportunity of assisting Lodges and Chapters as yet unable to meet because of Covid restrictions.

Monday 31st May 2021:

Zoom presentation

Once again W Bro Barry Longstaff hosted a Learning Circle meeting to a large  global audience, ranging from Colchester to Canada, Sussex to Singapore, and despite the simplicity of the Daggards material in their presentation of Aliens with Attitude very positive comments were received: "One of the most entertaining and enjoyable presentations we've ever seen", "Thank you for making learning fun", "Let's have more of the same please". My favourite comment was from one of the Lady Masons: "This is brilliant - I cried laughing." It is important sometimes to go back to basics! The Masonic Circle 2021 continues to flourish - let me heartily recommend it to you! See further comments on the Humber website.


Wednesday 26th May 2021:

Zoom presentation

The Beverley Road Learning Circle, hosted by Jimmy 2 Kilts Kerr, invited the Daggards Quartet to put on a performance of Aliens with Attitude. It met with the approval of the Brethren, who were keen to answer the questions at the end, and indeed to pose questions of their own. "Very enjoyable," remarked the Provincial Grand Mentor, who was there, "and ideal material for the younger Brethren."

Friday 14th May 2021:

Zoom presentation

De la Pole Lodge 1605 hosted the premier performance of Surgery wherein the developments in medicine through the interventions of Freemasons was discussed during an emergency appendectomy operation. The Brethren (including a Lady Mason in New Jersey on the Atlantic Coast, a Brother on the Black Sea Coast, fifteen miles south of Odessa, others in Surrey and Hammersmith in the UK, and from De la Pole members and visitors including a Ukranian Brother living in Hull) were most appreciative and favourable comments were made, though one member said he was glad he'd had his operation before seeing the presentation, otherwise he would have been terrified.  The host, Worshipful Master Mike Bastiman, thanked the Daggards Quartet for their efforts.

Wednesday 5th May 2021:

Zoom presentation

The Daggards Zoom Quartet gave the debut performance of Revolution! to Kingston Lodge (hosted by Mike Price, WM) which has been particularly supportive during the coronavirus pendemic. The half-hour romp was well received: W. Bro John Ridgill Trout, Past Assistant Provincial Grand Master of the Province of Yorkshire North and East Ridings, gave an eloquent vote of thanks to the team, remarking that having seen a presentation regarding a railway disaster and another about the storms on the north-east coast, it was good to see something so cheerfully light-hearted. (The presentation is about the first untethered manned flight in the Montgolfier Brothers' balloon, but highlights the Masonic connections with Benjamin Franklin and Dr Guillotin.) The use of the Daggards’ HistoryScopeTM and TranslatApp© which translated the script into English (with French accents) was much appreciated. The WM's email afterwards was heartening: "Excellent as usual!"

Wednesday 28th April 2021:

Zoom presentation

Masonic researcher and lecturer Neil Armstrong, one of the Daggards Zoom Quartet, gave the inaugural performance of Venus, that Bright Morning Star at the Sam Judah Memorial Learning Circle to a fascinated audience of local Freemasons. That they were intrigued by his argument was evidenced by the depth and detail of the questions posed afterwards. The host, W Bro Jim (2kilts) Kerr thanked Neil for the well-illustrated presentation on behalf of all present.

The learning circle is to promote Masonic learning and is open to all Freemasons,fostering curiosity and developing understanding.

Monday 19th April 2021:

Zoom presentation

Hansel and Gretel at the Freemasons' Lodge was delivered by Eddie (technology by Craig) to a large audience ranging from as far afield as Croatia, Bulgaria, Gibraltar, Spain, Germany, Greenland, Canada and the USA, and from the UK covering Colchester, Blackpool, Richmond, Somerset, Scotland, London and North Ferriby and many other places. Some folk are pictured on the screen shot; it was good to see the Lady Masons!  The half hour presentation, which discovers hitherto unsuspected connections between a Grimm Brothers' folk tale and FM was very well received, and the plaudits were flattering: "Well presented and thought provoking", "fantastic presentation - I loved the connections", "Awesome!" One Daggard observer (we are our own harshest critics) had been looking at the expressions on the faces of those watching, and emailed "it came over very well, and you held the audience attention throughout." Praise indeed - thanks, Neil! The presentation was hosted by the Wilberforce Lodge 2134. 

Wednesday 7th April 2021:

Zoom presentation

Once again the Kingston Lodge 1010 hosted a premiere Daggards Zoom performance: For Those in Peril on the Sea was attended by Brethren from Cambridge and beyond, and by members of the RNLI on the NE Coast, which features in this stirring tale about the lifeboat work during the great storm of 1888. W Bro Phil Harrison (also heavilly involved with the Royal National Lifeboat Association) gave an excellent vote of thanks to the Daggards for their work in entertaining and enlightening the Brethren and others. Intelligent questions afterwards indicated how much the audience had paid attention, which was very flattering. The 40 minute presentation, written by Eddie Wildman using the extensive research material supplied by Neil Armstrong was delivered by Eddie, Neil, Craig Maurier (technical guru) and David Terry, actor extraordinaire. The Worshipful Master, Mike Price closed the meeting with a toast to Absent Brethren.

Friday 26th March 2021:

Zoom presentation

St Peter Lodge 7648 in Cleethorpes  invited the Daggards to Zoom their full-length presentation Ten Tons of Bombs on the date of their regular meeting. Hosted by Craig Maurier, a member of St. Peter Lodge in addition to being an active Daggard, this was well attended with visitors from as far afield as Somerset. The tale of the narrowly averted disaster just prior to D Day was well appreciated and the Daggards were thanked for their presentation, which, the WM remarked, was quite different to the zoom contributions the Lodge had experienced during the Lockdown period.

Monday 22nd March 2021:

Zoom presentation

Wilberforce Lodge 2134 is continuing its series of excellent lectures from far and wide and on this occasion - again to a world-wide audience - the Speaker was W Bro Craig Maurier from the Humber Lodge 57 who spoke learnedly on Pinocchio as a Masonic Parable, illustrating how Carlo Collodi's puppet was the protagonist in a moral tale written by a journalist who was also a freemason, and how Walt Disney, another Mason, had interpreted it, preserving the symbolic elements while rendering it as children's visual entertainment. Craig's illuminating address gave rise to very sensible discussion, and the listeners were well satisfied. The meeting was hosted by W. Bro Barry Longstaff, WM.

Wednesday 17th March 2021:

Zoom presentation

There were twenty-seven participants at the lunchtime Zoom meeting hosted by President Paul Lees for the Rotary Club of Humberside where Neil Armstrong and Eddie performed Night Soil Men. Paul Lees managed the technical side of changing the slides in time to the script magnificently and the Rotary members showed their appreciation with kind words.


Tuesday 9th March 2021:

Zoom presentation

Humber Lodge's leading vocalist, W Bro Richard Smedley regaled the Brethren with tales of his youth in an illustrated Zoom initiative entitled "When I was Seventeen".but extending into the world of work and Masonry. Richard has performed in many Daggards presentations including the  Music Extravaganza celebrating the tricentenary. Many thanks to Richard for a stunning solo performance!

Wednesday 3rd March 2021:

Zoom presentation

Many Brethren and visitors from Lodges in and around Cambridgeshire were present at the premier performance of "Ten Tons of Bombs" which tells of the terrible explosion at Soham in 1944. It was a pleasure to see W Bro Patrick Kirby, the Deputy Provincial Grand Master of Cambridgeshire, and W Bro John Trout, PSGD, PAsstGM of the Province of YN&ER. There were folk there who had known some of the participants in the story, including the daughter of one of the Firemen involved. Complimentary emails afterwards showed how much this dramatic zoom presentation had been received. As ever, our researcher Neil Armstrong had winnowed the contemporary newspapers and other documents for the pertinent facts and illustrations, Eddie Wildman had put the script together and Craig Maurier managed the Power Point, sliding in the images and sound effects exactly on time. All these three had speaking parts, but the starring role, that of Engine Driver Ben Gimbert, was superbly delivered by David Terry. "A powerfully emotive performance" said one visitor. Thanks to the Kingston Lodge 1010 for hosting this Zoom presentation.

Friday 26th February 2021:

Zoom presentation

The Ridings Tablers' Lodge 9586 asked Eddie Wildman to present his short Heavenly Bodies illustrated Zoom talk on the date of what would have been a regular meeting but for shutdown. The Worshipful Master, W Bro Terry Fisher, thanked Eddie and the Lodge Secretary, W Bro Andy Green, who controlled the Power Point Slide Show as Eddie spoke, and the Brethren joined in acclamation. "I'd like to hear that again," remarked the WM, "it was very informative."

Saturday 13th February 2021:

Zoom presentation

Lord Bolton Lodge 3263 was well attended for the Daggards' Zoom presentation of Hand Over Back with Craig Maurier, Neil Armstrong and Eddie Wildman and equally well received. One of the visitors, W Bro Philip Daniels remarked "First class as always . . . you have attained a new level of professional drama and excitement in your delivery this evening." The host, Worshipful Master Chris le Fevre, whose wife is from the Isle of Wight (wherein the fatal duel took place) professed himslf astounded that there was so much history from there of which he had no previous knowledge. It was a pleasure to see so many familiar faces once again. The Daggards are grateful to the WM for his kind donation.

Tuesday 9th February 2021:

Zoom presentation

Night Soil Men  was well received by the Brethren of Humber Lodge; some of the Brethren remembered the old "hole in the ground" toilets and the Almoner remarked on the influence Thomas Crapper has had on the development of home comforts. The resonances with the 19th Century cholera epidemic in Hull and our current pandemic was not lost, however: the tragedy of infection through ignorance and the importance of cleanliness was noted. Despite the scatological subject matter, the Brethren enjoyed the Zoom performance by Eddie Wildman and Neil Armstrong, with the illustrations expertly coordinated by Craig Maurier.


Wednesday 3rd February 2021:

Zoom presentation

The first performance of Night Soil Men was delivered by Craig Maurier, Neil Armstrong and Eddie Wildman in an illustrated Zoom presentation for the Kingston Lodge 1010, which was attended by members of several Lodges including a number from Surrey. "Truly Fantastic," said Past Provincial Grand Mentor Jimmy 2Kilts from de la Pole, "a real education." It was evident that the Brethren had enjoyed it, chucking at the jokes, and expressing shock at certain points in the presentation, whose subject matter resonates strangely with our current pandemic problems. Many thanks to W Bro Michael Price, Master of the Lodge, who hosted the meeting. Kingston Lodge 1010 have often hosted premier Daggards performances, and  the Daggards are very grateful for the opportunity of presenting new material. Watch this space!

Monday 18th January 2021:

Zoom presentation

Humber Lodge guru Craig Maurier lectured to a huge zoom audience at the regular Wilberforce Lodge Zoom meeting with his thoughtful thesis on The Wizard of Oz as Masonic Parable illustrating the story's connections between theosophy and freemasonry, and expounding on how universal developmental truths are often best rendered analogously. Dorothy's journey, he explained, was much more than technicolour entertainment as it revealed significant aspects of the human psyche and self discovery. Comments from the global visitors included "captivating", "amazing" and "food for thought", Well done, Craig!

Tuesday 12th January 2021:

Zoom presentation

Humber Lodge Brethren and visitors enjoyed the "Hand Over Back" Presentation by Eddie, Craig and Kingston researcher Neil Armstrong on the date of the regular 57 meeting, but delivered by the magic of Zoom as the government restrictions are guarding against further deprevations of the Coronavirus. The story of Hull-born Blundell's death in a duel, the travesty of justice at the subsequent trial, and the intervention of the Immediate Past Grand Master in the year that the United Grand Lodge of England was formed was well received. The WM spoke of the presentations planned for the year ahead.

Wednesday 6th January 2021

Zoom presentation


Michael Price, WM of the Kingston Lodge 1010, hosted the Lodge's first Zoom of the year with a Daggards presentation "Hand over Back" with Neil Armstrong and Eddie Wildman, while the illustrations and technological details were handled by Craig Maurier. This tale of treachery, deceit and murder, the subsequent trial and the intervention of the Past Grand Master at the time the Antients and Moderns were settling thneir differences was well appreciated. Several of the members have decided to be at the next performance, later in the month at Humber Lodge.

Tuesday 20th October 2020:

Zoom presentation

W Bro Antony Craig Maurier, PPGStwd (Lincs), Computer Guru and Director of Ceremonies of the Humber Lodge 57 gave a Zoom presentation about William Hogarth's Masonic cartoon "Night" for the Wilberforce Lodge 2134 (under the leadership of W Bro Barry Longstaff) to a distinguished audience of over forty Brethren from all over the world. Craig spoke of the artist's sympathies with the poor and his political awareness, and explained why the Worshipful Master depicted was being drenched from a chamber-pot emptied out of an upstairs window. This was a short lecture, but as one of the Zoom visitors remarked, "told us more in that brief insight into Freemasonry over two hundred years ago than one might expect to learn in months." W Bro Longstaff complimented Craig and the Daggards for the presentation, and W Bro Andrew Pittaway proposed a vote of thanks on behalf of all present. Craig will be speaking to the Wilberforce Lodge early next year on the subject of "The Wizard of Oz as a Masonic Parable."

Tuesday 18th August 2020:

Zoom presentation while Lodge numbers are limited to six

W. Bro David Terry gave a highly successful Zoom performance of his Creatures in Masonry specially tailored to the Wilberforce Lodge 2134, where the large audience had lots of questions for Humber Lodge's retired vetinerary surgeon. The Worshipful Master, Barry Longstaff, thanked W Bro Terry and his team (images by ERW and technology by Craig Maurier) and indeed has booked other Daggard presentations for later in the year.

Tuesday 11th August 2020:

Zoom presentation as part of a Masonic Meeting:

Humber Lodge 57 was one of the first Lodges in the Province to resume meeting after lock-down relaxations; the Lodge meets twelve times a year and there is no Summer recess. However, to include visitors and those vulnerable Brethren who would otherwise be able to attend, the WM called off the Lodge while Daggards Mike Noble, David Terry and Craig Maurier performed Dennis and the Mentors Forum, in which a bright young newly made Master Mason (Bro Dennis) asks questions of two well established Mentors, W Bros Tassell and Skirrett, who were assisted by W Bro Techie (pictured.)

Afterwards both the live and virtual Brethren professed themselves well amused and pleasingly educated.

The Lodge was called on and W Bro David Terry continued to host the on-line Brethren who were, of course, disconnected from the remaining Lodge business. It was pleasing to note that W Bro Tom Gadd, WM of Halas Abbey Lodge 5407 (see 14th June below) was a Zoom attendee at this twenty minute presentation.

Tuesday 14th July 2020:

 Zoom Presentation during the Coronavirus lock-down:

Humber Lodge 57 was pleased to have many visitors for the premier  zoom presentation of "Setting up the Lodge" where the crusty old tyler (Eddie Wildman) was assisted to set out the carpet, pedestals etc. with the assistance of the new Entered Apprentice (Craig Maurier.) The latter asked questions about the various items and their application in Freemasonry - this short illustrated presentation was very well received.

Tuesday 23rd June 2020:

Zoom Presentation during the Coronavirus lock-down:

W Bro David Terry, retired vetinerary surgeon, gave a fascinating illustrated Zoom presentation on Creatures in Freemasonry, providing an unusual insight into the animals and insects which feature in the first degree. This well attended Zoom for the Humber Lodge 57 attracted a large audience and David has agreed to repeat the performance on Tuesday 18th August for the Wilberforce Lodge 2134 Zoom (with W Bro Craig Maurier astutely managing the technology.) Watch this space!

Sunday 14th June 2020:

 Zoom Presentation during the Coronavirus lock-down:

It was a pleasure to Zoom to Halas Abbey Lodge 5407 in the Masonic Province of Worcestershire and talk briefly about the Daggards, the work we do and our charity support. W Bro Michael Price, who is the WM of the Kingston Lodge 1010, and has seen a number of the Daggards performances, had suggested I speak at this informal get-together, and I took the opportunity to give greetings not only from the Daggards, but from Humber 57, the premier Lodge in the Province. A fascinating forty minutes in distinguished company! Many thanks to Mike; to the Worshipful Master of Halas Abbey, W Bro Tom Gadd; and to W Bro John Chapman who performed the technical magic to bring the Brethren together. There was an invitation to visit at some time when the coronavirus is under control - I'm looking forward to it.

Tuesday 26th May 2020:

Zoom Presentation during the Coronavirus lock-down:

W Bro Craig Maurier gave an excellent performance of W Bro Wildman's Hogarth's Masonic Cartoon on Zoom, complete with pictures. The event was well and prestigiously attended not only by Humber Lodge 57 (scroll down to find the entry in the website of the premier Lodge in in the Province) but by visitors from local sister Lodges and from the Province of Lincolnshire. The visitors had interesting questions about Hogarth, his times, and the etching Night, which portays the WM of a London Lodge in a state of rascally drunkeness, supported by the Grand Tyler.

[Detail of De Viel and Montgomerie, his Tyler from Hogarth's "Night" etching]

Friday 15th May 2020:

Zoom Presentation during the Coronavirus lock-down:

The St Peter Lodge 7648 in Cleethorpes had already held Zoom meetings for Lodge members in March and April, but felt that whilst it was great for the members to catch up and have a general chat it would be good to have a bit more structure to the meetings moving forward. With that in mind it was decided to have a small Masonic presentation at each of the upcoming meetings so that the Brethren could continue to make their advancement in Masonic knowledge. On Friday 15th May, W Bro Craig Maurier gave a 15 minute illustrated Daggards Zoom presentation entitled I know the answers, but what do they mean? Brethren young and old and visitors from other Lodges also enjoyed the presentation which was rounded off with questions and a general discussion. The Lodge Almoner gave his report, and the Zoom parrticipants each raised a glass to Absent Brethren.

[Report by W Bro Antony Craig Maurier]

Friday 28th February 2020:

The Ridings Tablers' Lodge 9586 saw a performance of Festive Board Entertainment by W Bros Eddie Wildman and Terry Lynn, and the Brethren enthusiastically joined in the singing: W Bro Lynn was in fine form, especially with his rendition of Burns "Adieu to the Brethren", and the Worshipful Master, W Bro Terence Ward Fisher PPJGW never missed a beat in the final song, "Happy to Meet Again", seamlessly and melodiously inserting his line in the last verse.The Lodge has some fine singers, notably W Bro Andrew M Green PPGStB, and the actual Festive Board downstairs continued the musical experience. Indeed, the Lincolnshire Brother responding to the toast to the visitors remarked that the performance of "Brethren from the East and West" had the power of a hundred voices.  The RTL made a kind donation to the Daggards, which, as W Bro Terry Lynn explained, will be put to good charitable use.

[Photograph by the JW]

Thursday 27th February 2020:

Fitzwilliam Lodge 3023 in Rotherham celebrated its 1000th meeting by inviting The Daggards to present The Medieval Engineers to an audience
including interested friends and ladies. W Bros David Terry and Eddie Wildman were well impressed by the superb Lodge Room in The Masonic Rooms at Rotherham Golf Club, and set up their equipment before the meeting; which the Master, W Bro George Haigh PPGReg conducted swiftly and apparently effortlessly before the Lodge closed and the guests were invited in.

The presentation was well received with everyone joining in the choruses; the part of Cedric was well played by "volunteer" Bro Tony Richardson, and the thanks afterwards were effusive and sincere. The generous proceeds of the raffle presented at the Festive Board, W Bro Terry explained, would go towards the Hull Visual Choir and the Hull Deaf Centre, who are putting on a Handsong Festival in July, with participants from all over the country. The Daggards have supported them on previous occasions, knowing that contributions are well applied and very much appreciated.

Many thanks to the Fitzwilliam Lodge for its kindness and generosity.

[Photograph by W Bro D Unwin DC]

Tuesday 11th February 2020:

The Humber Lodge was well attended for the Daggards' presentation Blow up the DC at the Festive Board performed on this occasion by  Mike Noble and John Wheeldon with Humber Daggards Craig Maurier, David Terry and Eddie Wildman. Eddie (currently Worshipful Master) called off the Lodge, and relinquished his Chair to W Bro Stanley Smith, the IPM, and the Brethren responded well in spotting the deliberate mistakes made by the Daggards enacting Festive Board scenarios. It was interesting to discover that even some of the senior members remarked on novel points of interest: "I never knew that," one said, referring to a historical statement regarding one of the toasts. Back in the Chair, the WM called on and closed the Lodge in due form. On this occasion the Daggards waived renumeration, asking that it be sent to the Sea Cadets who had equipment vandalised over Christmas.


Saturday 25th January 2020:

Technical Lodge 5666 again celebrated a Burns Night Extravaganza at the Masonic Hall, Beverley Road, Hull, with a capacity audience. This was the last such event with Dave Eastburn as the chef, who on being warmly saluted by the well-fed diners, remarked that the years working for the Beverley Road Lodges have been the happiest of his life. Phil Daniels, who has been the Burns Night inspiration for fourteen years, again introduced a number of fine whiskies with eloquent tasting notes. The Music and Merriment, with Jimmy (Two Kilts) Kerr as DC (he also addressed the Haggis) was well appreciated; he sang Flow Gently Sweet Afton and David Turner encouraged the audience to join in the choruses for Donald, where's yer troosers? and Bring Back my Bonnie to Me. Richard (Buble) Smedley romantically presented Isobel, his wife, with a "Red Red Rose" rendering Burns' words in a rich bass-baritone (accompanied by sighs from the ladies) and Eddie Wildman sang The Bluebell Polka - a ballad about thwarted love and embarrassment. But for this writer the highlight of the evening was the guitar and vocal rendition of Caledonia - I love you performed by John Chapman and Phil Daniels. 

As ever, this highly succesful evening was enhancedby the piper, Alex Crompton. Auld Lang Syne saw the traditional joining of hands, but many guests remained to sample the excellent whiskies which remained uncorked until the last visitor had (somewhat unsteadily) departed. The Daggards are grateful for the very generous donation, presented the the Technical WM and Burns Night Chieftan, Allan Mckay, which will be put to good charitable use.

Thursday 19th December 2019:

The Lodge of St Michael held its brief Christmas meeting upstairs and then the Brethren joined their ladies and non-masonic friends at the seasonal festive board. The Daggards entertained in the persons of Terry Lynn (high baritone, raconteur and DC), Peter Stokes (baritone and guitar) John Watkins (bass baritone and flute) and Eddie Wildman (bass and keyboards) using a power point presentation with the words to the carols and Christmas songs so that everyone could join in. The dining room was full of happy people, perhaps none more so than the Worshipful Master, W Bro Shaun Rennison, who delivered the famous Five Gold Rings with such authority and enthusiasm the Daggards in particular were well impressed. The Daggards were grateful for the generous donation from the Worshipful Master, which will be used to help the homeless at this difficult time of year.

[Pictured L to R: Shaun Rennison, Eddie Wildman, John Watkins, Peter Stokes, Terry Lynn. Photograph by Jackie Chapman.]

Saturday 14th December 2019:

Many thanks to Lord Bolton Lodge 3263 for the generous donation to the Daggards after Eddie Wildman led and accompanied the carol singing after the seasonal festive board. As ever, The Twelve Days of Christmas was the popular finale item with the various tables trying to outdo each other in the rendition of the four calling birds, five gold rings, etc. etc. The Brethren were joined by the ladies and non-Masonic guests following the brief meeting and the occasion was happily convivial.

Tuesday 26th November 2019:

Vigilantes Lodge 7264 in Cleethorpes asked the ladies in to see David Terry and Eddie Wildman present The Medieval Engineers which everyone enjoyed.  The Lodge room was full to capacity. Lodge Secretary Paul Aitken played the part of Cedric, much to the amusement of the assembled Brethren and their wives. Everybody joined in the singing, which continued downstairs at the Christmas Festive Board with the Visitors' Song, and Happy to Meet Again as well as Good King Wenceslas for the arrival of the Christmas pudding. "A brilliant night! We thoroughly enjoyed it!" was the consensus of opinion. The Daggards are grateful for the donation, presented by the Worshipful Master, W Bro C Merriman, which will of course be used in supporting local charities.

Pictured: Eddie Wildman, Paul (Cedric) Aitken (the hair belongs to Cedric), the Worshipful Master, David Terry. Photograph by L F Poole.

Thursday 14th November 2019:

Despite it being one of the wettest days of the year - several Brethren sent apologies as flooding rendered travelling impossible, the turn-out for St Nicholas Lodge 2259 in Thorne, Doncaster was magnificent, including nineteen visitors. Eddie Wildman and Ean Blair (pictured with the Master of the Lodge, Worshipful Brother J D Brandon) performed Festive Board Entertainment to a Lodge Room of enthusiastic Brethren who joined in the choruses with gusto. "An absolutely phenominal evening," the WM remarked - an observation backed up by the comments of the Brethren. W Bro Blair (who had driven the Daggards duo through appalling weather conditions to get there) said on the way back that the warm reception, the courtesy extended by the Brethren and the visitors and the excellent Festive Board afterwards had made it all worth while. The Daggards are grateful, too, for the donation from the St Nicholas Lodge.

Photograph by Howard Roe.

Thursday 29th August 2019:

The Beamish Hall Country House Hotel provided a magnificently lofty setting for a performance of the Daggards' Writing the Minutes for the Beamish Temple Lodge 9815. Over ninety Brethren were present, from the Province of Durham and further afield. The Master, Worshipful Brother Paul Weldon Johnston, pictured in his top hat and frock coat, thanked the Daggards for their sterling delivery, remarking with a smile that many of the Brethren would recognise the character types displayed during the performance, and that he sympathised with the WM enduring the  constant objections of his Secretary and Senior Warden. He presented the Daggards with a cheque towards their charitable endeavours, for which Eddie Wildman thanked him and the assembled Brethren. The gentlemen were joined by their ladies at the elegant festive board afterwards.

Pictured L to R: Mike Noble, Eddie Wildman, Paul Johnston, David Terry and Neil Armstrong (Sound and Screen Technician.) Photograph by Kev Bainbridge.

Wednesday 17th July 2019:

St. John's Lodge 1736 in Halifax received a presentation of Festive Board Entertainment by Daggards Terry Lynn and Eddie Wildman  in memory of W Bro Ronnie Nichols, a much loved member who died just short of his one hundredth birthday. But the occasion was a happy one: the small Lodge Room was full of smiles as the St. John's members and the dozen visitors joined in the choruses - Bro Matthew Sagar, the Junior Warden, remarked in his toast afterwards that this was a new experience for many of them and they had thoroughly enjoyed it. The Daggards are very grateful for the kind donation from St John's Lodge, and look forward to meeting some of the Yorkshire West Riding Brethren on some perhaps not too distant occasion.

Pictured L to R:  Terry Lynn, Trevor Stoyles, WM and Eddie Wildman. Photograph by W Bro David Bowen, Lodge Secretary.

Wednesday 3rd July 2019:

Kingston Lodge 1010 enjoyed John R Wheeldon's debut solo presentation Gravestones and Epitaphs; indeed the number who approached him afterwards with stories of graveyards they'd visited and interesting tales of local masonic involvement was evidence to back up the Worshipful Master's comment "We are looking forward to hearing the sequel." The illustrated lecture, which depicted different styles of monuments from local cemeteries in addition to examples of graves from London , Scotland and elsewhere, touched on body snatching, notorious murders and unusual epitaphs. The Daggards were delighted to receive a generous cheque from the Kingston Lodge; W Bro Wheeldon PPGStwd thanked the Worshipful Master, W Bro Louis Morgan, assuring the Brethren that it would be properly applied.

Photograph by Neil Armstrong. L to R: John Wheeldon, Louis Morgan.

Thursday 27th June 2019:

Minster Lodge 4663 in York invited W Bros Terry Lynn and Eddie Wildman to present The Medieval Engineers following the brief Lodge meeting at the fine Lodge Room in St Saviourgate, York. Wives were invited to join the Brethren in the Lodge room, and Eddie and Terry gave an explanation of the relationships between the building of the Gothic Cathedrals and Craft Masonry, well assisted by "volunteer" Cedric (Bro Tony Grabham) who was paraded round the Lodge Room with a variety of aprons. The Brethren joined in the choruses of the songs, and the Worshipful Master, W Bro William Gray, remarked that all had thoroughly enjoyed being educated in such a colourful and amusing manner. Terry and Eddie were delighted at the welcome afforded them, the excellent festive board, and the generous cheque donated to help support local charities.

Pictured L to R: Terry Lynn; William Gray, Worshipful Master; Tony Grabham, aka Cedric; Eddie Wildman. Photograph by Nick Mitchell.

Wednesday 5th June 2019:

The Daggards were again delighted to entertain and instruct at Kingston Lodge 1010 in the persons of Bros Mike Noble and Eddie Wildman, who performed The Chapter Experience to the Assistant Provincial Grand Master, VW Bro Dr David Chambers and a team of Provincial Officers. This zany, fast moving production was very well received, and Eddie and Mike enjoyed the plaudits of the Brethren  at the excellent festive board. The Daggards are very grateful for the generous cheque, which will of course be directed to local charities.

Photograph by Kevin Lyons.

Tuesday 4th June 2019:

Eddie Wildman and David Terry performed Festive Board Entertainment at the Portus Felix Lodge Room in Filey, where the Brethren were joined by their ladies and non-Masonic guests, who joined in the songs musically and enthusiastically. The performance was followed by an excellent festive board downstairs, where David and Eddie enjoyed the hospitality of Lodge 6712 and were pleased to accept a cheque from the raffle takings which will of course be used to support local charitable causes.

Photograph by Kevin Lyons

Saturday 25th May 2019:

Philip Larkin House was the venue for a musical soirre featuring some delightful singing and playing, where the proceeds of the raffle were doubled by the Daggards to be used at hostess Miriam's chosen charities: helping the homeless and the Candlelighters, which aids in the fight against children's cancer. Many thanks to Billy, not only for performing himself, but for allowing others to use his superb grand piano in this lovely setting, enhanced by Miriam's expert organising and wonderful food. Vocalists Philip and Chappers have appeared elsewhere on this website, along with Eddie as accompanist, but all performers have been Eddie's pupils at one time or another. Plaudits go to Claire, Marylyn and Margaret for their piano contributions, and also to Margaret's son David, who came from York to hear his mother perform and then was persuaded to take a turn at the keyboard himself. More than one guest remarked that they had never seen a live performance with three performers on one piano, and Eddie, Claire and Billy were prevailed upon for an encore performance to round off the evening.

Wednesday 1st May 2019:

Kingston Lodge 1010 celebrated its Founders Night with a stunning lecture "After the Bomb" by Daggard Neil Armstrong, who had researched the continuation of the Kingston Lodge in the aftermath of the blitz, explaining where the Lodge furniture and artifacts had come from, and the recovery of items from the destroyed Masonic Hall. During the afterproceedings,  Neil was joined by Philip Daniels and Eddie Wildman in a brief costumed drama regarding the visit of Queen Victoria to Hull when the Lodge was founded. Her Majesty stole the show, even though she was not amused. Continuing the Kingston founders tradition, the WM and Wardens wore top hats and tails.


Thursday 28th March 2019:

Worshipful Brother Craig Maurier PPGStwd (Lincs) held the close attention of the Brethren of (and visitors to) the Lodge of St Michael 7833 when he gave his illustrated explanation of The Wizard of Oz as a Masonic Parable, showing the numerous close connections between theosophist Frank Baum's children's tale and the deep esoteric truths which have been sustained in legend and allegory through the ages. Several people remarked how the story of Dorothy's quest had taken on new meaningfor them; the Master, Worshipful Brother Terence Black, commented that he would think of Craig's comments next time he watched the film. The Daggards are grateful for the raffle donation extended to their charity work from the Lodge of St Michael.

Wednesday 6th March 2019:

Mitre Lodge of York 7321 professed itself well entertained by Bros Eddie Wildman and Mike Noble, who presented The Chapter Experience in the iconic Lodge Room in the Masonic Hall on St Saviourgate. The Lodge was well attended: the Brethren enjoyed the quirky humour that characterises this light hearted interpretation of what the Chapter is all about. The rendition of the Twelve Banners of Israel to the tune of Mozart's Fourth Horn Concerto engendered applause, and one member observed that one of the Brethren who had not managed to smile in two years of ceremonies actually laughed out loud. (This observation may be apocryphal, for all the Brethren and visitors seemed extremely happy at the excellent Festive Board afterwards.) The Daggards are very grateful to the Master, W Bro Duncan Gareth Fryer and all the Brethren for the warmth of the welcome, and in particular for the very generous donation of the raffle collection which will go towards local charities. Mitre Lodge is a member of the Federation of School Lodges.

Tuesday 12th February 2019:

Humber Lodge 57 enjoyed a brief meeting in the Lodge Room, after which W Bro Craig Maurier gave a thought-provoking illustrated presentation in the dining room before the meal. His exploration of the Masonic elements in Collodi's Pinocchio, set not only in its historical/political context, but referring to the references found in the VSL and elsewhere and applying the universal principles within the work  to our situation as Freemasons today gave the Humber Brethren and the numerous visitors a pensive glimpse into the esoteric elements within the Craft. It was a pleasant evening, and an advancement in Masonic knowledge for all, as the Worshipful Master, W Bro Stanley Smith remarked following the enthusiastic acclamation of the Brethren.

Saturday 26th January 2019:

Technical Lodge 5666 celebrated its thirteenth Burns Night social evening: over a hundred attended to enjoy Dave Eastburn's superb fare (with the traditional piped in haggis, of course). Phil Daniel's whisky tasting and the Daggards entertainment following Mark Cusack's toast "Tae the Immortal Memory, an' tae the Lasses" and Morag's eloquent response, was compered by Jimmy Kerr. Phil's "Danny Boy" to celebrate the Jameson Caskmates Stout Edition (his ecumenical tastes in uisge beatha embrace superb malts from all over the world) was well appreciated, as was David Turner's rendition of "My Bonnie" and "Roamin' through the Gloamin". Everyone joined in with Jimmie's "Oh Dear, thank goodness it's Saturday" and with the more traditional Scottish songs, including "By yon bonny banks" and "Scotland the Brave". John Chapman's moving "Village Organist" was lovely, and the audience applauded Richard Smedley and David Terry for their renditions of well known Scottish songs. There was a medley featuring Chappers on guitar with a mad fiddler, the top table table leading the hand-clapping during the Gay Gordons.

The sketch of schoolboy Robbie Burns and his friend Timothy Scalds up before the headmaster went down very well: several people remaked that we have never enjoyed so attentive and appreciative an audience. The Daggards thank the Technical Lodge for the generous donation, which will be used in helping local charitable causes.

Pictured: 1. L to R John Chapman, vocalist and guitarist; Neil Armstrong, distinguished guest; Mark Cusack, Chieftan; Carl Cross, distinguished guest and Jimmy Kerr, who directed the entertainment. 2. Richard Smedley as young Scalds, David Terry as young Burns, Eddie Wildman as Old Headmaster.


Tuesday 15th January 2019:

Craig Maurier delighted the Hull Old Grammarians' Lodge 5129 with his presentation of The Wizard of Oz as a Masonic Parable in the iconic Lodge Room at Dagger Lane, Hull. The WM, Nigel Collier (pictured with Craig) thanked him, remarking that the Lodge had witnessed a "thoroughly convincing talk, well structured and engagingly presented." The Daggards are grateful for the kind donation from the Hull Old Grammarians' Lodge, which will be used in supporting local charities.

Tuesday 8th January 2019:

The first Daggard performance of 2019 took place, appropriately, at Dagger Lane, the site of the original Daggards production twenty-five years ago. Humber Lodge hosted a performance of The Bill Hogarth Investigation to a good turn-out of Brethren, with visitors from as far afield as Western Australia. One visitor, W Bro Gary Shores, who had brought the two most recently initiated Beverlonian Lodge Brethren with him, remarked that he and they were extremely impressed. "The Daggards reached back into history in a rollicking presentation," he said. Mike Noble played the acidulous Chairman, and when the long suffering Clerk of Court (Neil Armstrong) finally reacted to his bullying, there were grunts of approval from round the room. John Wheeldon first appeared as John Weelkes, direct from the fiery pit; but also as the gently reasonable Grand Tyler, Andrew Montgomery, whose calm words made the angry Sir Thomas de Veil (David Terry) reassess his prosecution of William Hogarth (Eddie Wildman). "A surprisingly effective fusion of seventeenth and twenty-first century material," said the Worshipful Master, W Bro Stanley Smith, "with period costumes and Power Point illustrations." The Daggards are grateful for the very kind donation, which will be used to assist local charities.

Left to right: Mike Noble, WM Stan Smith, Eddie Wildman, David Terry, John Wheeldon and Neil Armstrong. Photograph by Ean Blair.

Monday 17th December 2018:

The last Daggards performance of the year was at the Masonic Hall, Beverley Road, where Holderness Lodge 3563 invited the Wedding Belles to entertain upstairs following the brief Lodge meeting, and Eddie Wildman to lead the carols and Christmas songs at the the Festive Board, where Dave Eastburn's magnificent fare was much admired by the visiting wives, partners and friends. As ever, The Twelve Days of Christmas concluded the entertainment, with the Four Calling Birds endeavouring to outdo the Five Gold Rings.

("No chance!" - Steve Cox.)

Sunday 16th December 2018:

Humber Lodge 57 (which can boast a number of Daggard members) held its annual Christmas family get-together at Dagger Lane, and the formal carols upstairs in the Lodge Room plus the secular Christmas songs in the dining room below were well supported not only by the Brethren and their families (the place was heaving!) but also by the Hull & East Yorkshire Institute for the Deaf Choir, who gave moving performances of Christmas music, brilliantly choreographed by sign language, accompanied by the beat box to which the Daggards contributed. Well done, everybody!

Photograph by Richard Smedley.

Saturday 15th December 2018:

Technical Lodge 5666 enjoyed a Christmas family event following its brief meeting, with wives, friends, children and grandchildren enjoying the splendid festive board, and the Daggards-led singing. It is a little known fact that Santa Claus is also a member of the Daggards. Ho ho ho.

Sunday 9th December 2018:

The Brethren of the Isle of Axholme Lodge 1482 in Crowle, North Lincolnshire invited wives, partners, friends, children and grandchildren to start their Christmas festivities with a Christmas meal and seasonal music at the Masonic Hall. The meal was excellent, and the assembled gathering sang the carols and Christmas songs with gusto, and Bro David Allan impressed everyone with his confident baritone as he performed a number of solo items. Daggard Eddie Wildman was there to accompany the singers. The Lodge raised £890 for charity at what everyone agreed was a splendid occasion.

Thursday 29th November 2018:

W Bro Craig Maurier presented his lecture The Wizard of Oz as a Masonic Parable for the Drifelt Order of the Secret Monitor meeting at the Masonic Lodge, Lockwood Street, Driffield. Those members who had heard the lecture before elsewhere remarked that they had advanced even more in Masonic advancement: Craig's thesis had enormous depth. 

Wednesday 21st November 2018:

The Daggards' undisputed Masonic authority, W Bro Anthony Craig Maurier, delivered his lecture The Wizard of Oz as a Masonic Parable to the St Alban's Lodge 1294 in the Masonic Province at Lincolnshire, which is famed for its elaborate Festive Boards. Craig's presentation was much enjoyed by the Brethren.


Wednesday 7th November 2018:

Kingston Lodge 1010 saw the premiere performance of The Bill Hogarth Inquiry where the eighteenth century artist is called upon to account for his reputedly scurrilous portrayal of Sir Thomas de Veil, thereby bringing Freemasonry into disrepute. The six characters in this screen-backed presentation were played by Bros Armstrong, Noble, Terry, Wheeldon and Wildman. The Brethren were enthusiastic in their praise for the latest Daggards production, acclaiming "the humour which heightened the intelligent way the facts had been put across", the "incredible detail", the "superb costumes" and that "no microphones were needed." "It's one hell of a script," remarked one Brother, which pleased the author mightily. The Daggards in turn were grateful for the generous cheque passed to them by the Worshipful Master, Louis Morgan, "for your local charities."

Left to Right: Neil Armstrong (Clerk), Eddie Wildman (Hogarth), Louis Morgan, WM, John Wheeldon, Demon Wilkes & Andrew Montgomery, David Terry, Sir Thomas de Veil, and Mike Noble, Inquiry Chairman. Photograph taken by Paul Goldthorpe, SW.

Friday 26th October 2018:

While five of the Daggards were performing in the Province of Yorkshire North and East Ridings (see below) Alistair Lamyman and Neil Armstrong were giving a presentation of Riding the Goat in the Province of Yorkshire West Riding. The Brethren of the Rokeby Lodge 6301 in Halifax were very appreciative of Neil's extensive research delivered as a two-man act, with Alistair providing the singing and the awful jokes. The presentation took place in the dining hall, which afforded a larger area and better opportunity for the Brethren and visitors to see the screen images accompanying the dialogue. The Master, W Bro Neil Butterworth, remarked that there was a wealth of material for other lectures in the items mentioned, and made a generous donation to the Daggards in recognition of the performance (Alistair's debut with this script) and the long drive (including unexpected road closures) from - and back to Hull.

Photograph kindly taken by one of the Rokeby Brethren: L to R: Neil Armstrong, Neil Butterworth, Alistair Lamyman.

Friday 26th October 2018:

The Daggards are very grateful to the Ridings Tablers' Lodge 9586 for the donation, presented  by the Master, W Bro Peter Jones at the Festive Board. "Amusing and Educational," he remarked, after the performance of Blow up the DC. The Lodge Treasurer, W Bro Terry Fisher, had been selected for the pyrotechnics, which he managed with aplomb, while the Tablers Brethren applauded. The many character parts on this occasion were taken by David Terry, Richard Smedley, Mike Noble and Eddie Wildman, plus Chris Hairsine, who had kindly agreed to participate only a few days before the performance. His munitions expertise and accurate marksmanship excited appreciative comments from the Brethren.

L to R: Terry Fisher, shining brightly after succesfully concluding the presentation, Eddie Wildman, stunned from the blast, David Terry in the yellow helmet, Mike Noble as the Teacher, Richard Smedley in green and Chris Hairsine wearing a moustache. Photograph by W Bro Mark Green.

Monday 22nd October 2018:

Walter de Gant Preceptory held its regular meeting in Selby instead of York, and Eminent Knight Craig Maurier gave his Daggards presentation of The Wizard of Oz as a Masonic Parable there, outlining the correlations between Freemasonry and the underlying messages in the children's book. His learned but very accessible illustrated dissertation was received with approbation and the Preceptory's subsequent donation towards local charities was very gratefully received. See the "Your Contributions" page.

Saturday 20th October 2018:

Masonic history highlighted a new beginning at the consecration of the Phoenix Lodge 9963; the ceremonial music melodiously delivered by Daggards John Chapman, Jim Kerr, David Terry, Richard Smedley, Rob Atkinson, John Chew and Chris Hairsine under the directorship of Eddie Wildman. The Festive Board was also enhanced with music, from the graces before and after the meal to the Master's song, Bless this Lodge, the Visitors Song, and the ever popular Happy to Meet again. It was a splendid occasion and the Daggards wish the Phoenix Brethren well at the start of this new adventure.

Photograph by Chris Thomas. Back row: Eddie, Chris, Chewy, Jimmy, Chappers; front row Rob, David and Smedders.

Thursday 11th October 2018:

Thesaurus Lodge 3891 enjoyed a visit from the Assistant Provincial Grand Master and a team of Provincial Officers to receive a well-deserved Patron certificate for contributions to the 2018 Festival. This was followed by a Daggards presentation Riding the Goat by W Bros Neil Armstrong and Eddie Wildman. "It was quite fascinating," the APGM remarked. One visitor, W Bro David Thorne admitted in his response to the Visitors' Toast that he would never look again at a goat without a tear in his eye.The Master, W Bro Richard East, thanked the Daggards, who are very grateful for the kind donation which will be charitably applied.

Photograph of Eddie and Neil mostly by John Wheeldon.

Wednesday 10th October 2018:

W Bro Paul Kriehn was in the chair for the October meeting of Ferrum Lodge 1848, whereat Bros Mike Noble and Eddie Wildman performed The Chapter Experience to an appreciative audience with visitors from far and wide. The Junior Warden, Bro Martin Tart, complimented the Daggards during his toast afterwards, remarking that the theatricality and humour of the performance in no way diminished the clear message the presentation gave regarding Chapter Masonry. 

Pictured L to R: W Bro Martin Eggermont ProvGAlm, W Bro Eddie Wildman ProvGOrg, VW Bro Allan Brundall, PAsstPGM, W Bro Denis Stubley, PGStB, Bro Mike Noble, SW of Constitutional Lodge 294. Photograph by W Bro Ian Williams PPSGD, Coordinator for the Province of Yorkshire North and East Ridings.

Tuesday 2nd October 2018:

The Technical Chapter 5666 enjoyed a lively presentation of Haggai's Message performed by E Companions David Terry and Eddie Wildman to a select convocation of appreciative listeners. David's Welsh accent was particularly mentioned: "All my onions are turning into leaks" and the placing of the Chapter readings into historical context and the down-to-earth explanations from the striving community rebuilding Jerusalem gave the sojourners' story a greater depth and meaning. "There are lots of useful nuggets in there," remarked E Comp. Mike Cheeseman. The Daggards are very grateful for the generous donation from the Technical Chapter, for which E Comp. Eddie Wildman thanked the Companions.

L to R: Mike Cheeseman, David Terry, Alan Large, Eddie Wildman, Frank Lovely. Photograph by Rob Atkinson.


Thursday 27th September 2018:

W Bros Terry Lynn and Eddie Wildman performed The Medieval Engineers for the Lodge of St Michael 7833 after the Lodge called off and invited in a good number of visitors, including friends and wives of the the Brethren. The audience enjoyed the performance, in which W Bro Antonio Ramirez took the part of the long suffering Cedric, rising through the ranks from Apprentice to Master while Terry regaled the audience with song. Downstairs, before the festive board, Mr John Hinton spoke about Parkinson's Disease, thanking the Lodge for its charitable help 

Friday 3rd August 2018:

Technical Lodge 5666 held a very succesful Ladies Night at Beverley Road, to thank the ladies for their indulgence in allowing their husbands out to Lodge meetings during the year. It was a convivial evening, with the Ladies Song rendered in a swing style by John (Sinatra) Chew; and Michael Cheeseman (pictured here with Eddie Wildman) making a guest appearance as Marilyn Monroe. The Worshipful Master's Lady, Mrs Kathy Sykes, gave an eloquent response to the toast to the ladies.

Photograph by John Chapman

Saturday 14th July 2018:

Celebrating twenty years since its consecration, Rudyard Kipling Lodge 9681 held a White Table afternoon following its peripatetic meeting, to which friends and wives were invited. It was a beautiful summer's day, and the venue was the Masonic Hall, Holly Road in Skegness, as once a year this Scouting based Lodge moves from Horncastle to a different part of the Province of Lincolnshire. W Bros David Terry and Eddie Wildman performed The Medieval Engineers to an appreciative audience, many of whom had never seen a Daggards presentation before. Rudyard Kipling's newest member, Bro Tony Corbett ably assisted them by taking on the role of young Cedric,  moving from apprenticeship to mastership as an operative mason during the performance. The audience, which included W Bro Bruce Goodman on his first visit since his investiture in the office of Assistant Provincial Grand Master, was most appreciative, joining in with the singing enthusiastically. David and Eddie also entertained at the Festive Board; some of the songs were new to the Brethren and many remarked afterwards how much they had enjoyed the fun and the learning that went with it. David and Eddie are extremely grateful to all present who generously contributed to the charitable giving of the Daggards.

 Photograph of Cedric by Sarah Arnold.

Saturday 16th June 2018:

Alistair Lamyman and Eddie Wildman again appeared at Beverley Road Masonic Hall to perform The Opening Odes, this time to the Brethren of the Technical Lodge 5666. The Lodge has no shortage of fine singers, so the appreciative comments were particularly welcome: "An enchanting performance," remarked W Bro Sykes, the Worshipful Master (pictured between Eddie and Alistair.) "Most enjoyable," said W Bro Hiten Thacker, a Past Master of the Lodge, "I heard it at Humber Installed Masters, and now I've heard it a second time, I've learned even more." The Daggards are very grateful to the Technical Lodge for the kind donation presented to assist local charities.

Photograph by W Bro Paul Hillary.

Saturday 9th June 2018:

Humber Lodge 57 held a "War Years" social function on the Queen's official birthday, with soup, meat pie and vegetables and apple crumble ("We'll Eat Again") followed by entertainment by a number of the Daggards and a Quiz from the Event Organiser, W Bro Trevor Whitfield. The Brethren, wives and visitors excelled themselves in dressing for the occasion. Brother Mike Noble gave a stirring rendition of the call to arms from Henry V, W Bro Richard Smedley led the singing and flag waving,  and Bro Noble and W Bro Eddie Wildman performed a sketch featuring Nelson and Hardy on the Eve of Trafalgar, beset by the Health and Safety Regulations which prevail nowadays. Many thanks to Richard who organised a Power Point with the words so that everyone could join in (especially with his Rule Britannia) and to Bro Tim Brown who had organised background clips of wartime messages, including the government advice regarding rationing, Churchill speeches and news announcements. (He also brought his family, magnificently clad!) Thanks, too, to the Humber Lodge who later made a kind donation to the Daggards to be used towards local charities.


(Just a few of the many photographs taken by Eddie Wildman on this happy occasion.) 

Monday 4th June 2018:

When the published lecturer was suddenly unable to deliver his talk at the Humber Installed Masters Lodge's five hundredth meeting, Alistair Lamyman and Eddie Wildman were pleased to be able to perform The Opening Odes at short notice. The Worshipful Master, W Bro Malcolm Booth PPJGW professed the Brethren had  enjoyed a musical and informative evening and presented the Daggards with a cheque which will be used to support local worthy causes.

Saturday 2nd June 2018:

Congratulations to Daggards John Chapman and John Chew who delighted the members of Brough Lodge 5464 and the many visitors with their rendition of the Masonic Anthem, the Masters Song, Bless this Lodge, the Visitors Song and Happy to meet again, accompanied by Eddie Wildman at the Installation of W Bro Tony Calvert into the Chair of King Solomon.

Saturday 12th May 2018:

While the occasion of the annual convocation of the Province of YN&ER, both Craft and Chapter was not a Daggards event, it was pleasing to see many of them there, some receiving Masonic honours at York Racecourse. In the morning session, E Comps Richard Theaker and Peter Spencer completed their terms of active rank, while E Comp Les Paling was awarded the active office of  Provincial Grand Standard Bearer and E Comp Richard Smedley the active office of Provincial Assistant Grand Director of Ceremonies. Both Richard and E Comp John Wheeldon were tremendously involved in the preparations for both the Chapter and subsequent Craft meetings. It was a pleasure to see Daggards John Stead receive the rank of Past Provincial Grand Sword Bearer and Sergei Byelov the rank of Past Provincial Assistant Grand Sojourner. In the afternoon session, W Bro David Terry relinquished the active role of Provincial Senior Grand Warden, while Peter Spencer became Provincial Grand Sword Bearer, James Kerr continued as Provincial Grand Mentor and Mark Richardson was awarded the rank of Provincial Senior Grand Deacon. Danny Betts became a Provincial Assistant Grand Director of Ceremonies, while Eddie Wildman continued as Provincial Grand Organist. (On this occasion he was ably assisted by W. Bro Craig Maurier, who had just been honoured with the rank of Provincial Grand Sojourner in the Masonic Province of Lincolnshire. Craig's page turning and organisation of the fast changing pieces of music was invaluable.) For their contributions to the Tercentenary Celebrations, Jimmy Kerr received a further honour of Past Provincial Junior Grand Warden and Neil Armstrong was awarded the rank of Past Provincial Junior Grand Deacon. There were other Daggards there, of course, lending their support to this auspicious day: Phil Daniels, Chris Hairsine and Mike Cheeseman were in evidence, and I probably missed others: let me know! And the total collected for the Masonic Samaritan Fund? A stunning £1,881,413!

Wednesday 2nd May 2018:

Many congratulations to Kingston Lodge 1010 which celebrated its Founders Night for the first time since 1864. Indeed the WM and his Wardens, Secretary, Treasure and Organist represented Simeon Mosely, the Surgeon-Dentist Primus Master, Martin Samuelson (Shipbuilder at "Sammy's Point"), Llewellyn Longstaff, grandson on Henry Blundell, paint manufacturer, Thomas Sissons, another paint manufacturer, Robert Marillier, Civil Engineer, and Henry Hartog, conductor of the Hull Philharmonic Orchestra.

The Master, W Bro Louis Morgan was escorted in with his Wardens by the tail-coated DC, Ollie Newton, all in top hats. They and the Brethren were seated as the March to Handel's "Occasional Oratoria" concluded. W Bro Neil Armstrong PPGStwd then announced that  the Deputy Provincial Grand Master, VW William Henry Fisher, PGSwdB demanded admission. The DPGM presented the WM with a certificate conferring Patron Status on the Lodge for its magnificent contribution to the Festival.

Elegantly clad in a gold frock coat, W Bro Armstrong gave a power point presentation outlining the early days of the Kingston Lodge, with "penny dreadful" illustrations by W Bro Eddie Wildman, who later spoke briefly about the origin of regional Lodge names, and how "King's Town" came to be formed.

The Festive Board was a triumph of munificence and the complementary port was well appreciated. Alistair Lamyman made his Kingston debut with "Bless this Lodge", "Brethren from the East and West" and "Happy to Meet Again" performed with great aplomb, bringing the evening to a spectacular harmonious close.

Congratulations to Kingston Lodge for a truly splendid evening.

Art work by Eddie Wildman

Wednesday 11th April 2018:

The Ferrum Lodge Junior Warden was eloquent in his toast to the visitors: "The Daggards." he said, "gave a fantastic presentation, great education and excellent entertainment." The Brother responding on behalf of the many visitors remarked that his thunder had been stolen, but that Eddie Wildman and David Terry had continued the entertainment at the festive board: all the Brethren had joined in the singing with enthusiasm. Indeed, W Bros Wildman and Terry had themselves enjoyed performing The Medieval Engineers, especially as the part of the long suffering Cedric had been taken by W Bro Denis Stubley who threw himself into the role with a hitherto unsuspected acting ability.

Ferrum Lodge 1848 was very well attended, and the WM was pleased to present a magnificent donation to the Daggards from the happy gathering. Eddie and Terry left for the long drive  to Hull, having concluded the formal part of the procedings with the song Happy to meet again,  leaving the Middlesbrough Brethren smiling and enjoying another drink from the bar.

Pictured: WM; David Terry, ProvSGW; Denis Stubley, Chairman of Festival 2018; Eddie Wildman, PGOrg. Photograph by Martin Tart, JD.

Tuesday 13th March 2018:

Zetland Lodge 1311 hosted The Chapter Experience in the splendid Masonic Hall at Castle Grove Drive in Headingley, Leeds, with a large appreciative audience who donated very generously to the Daggards; local charities will benefit from such largesse and Eddie Wildman and Mike Noble, who performed that evening, were extremely grateful for this, and the hospitality afforded them. The Master, Worshipful Brother Simon Penny-Smith (pictured between Eddie and Mike) enjoyed the company of a large number of visiting Worshipful Masters on this occasion: it was good to be in such pleasant surroundings and in such excellent company.

Photograph by W Bro. Peter Hindlemarsh.

Tuesday 13th March 2018:

While Eddie Wildman and Mike Noble were wowing the Brethren in Leeds, Craig Maurier and David Terry were performing closer to home. Their Lodge, Humber 57 in Dagger Lane Masonic Hall in the centre of Kingston upon Hull, was enlightened by a performance of I Know the Answers, But What Do They Mean? This illustrated duologue unravels the meaning of the questions and answers leading from the First to the Second Degree. It also explains the reasons for the peculiarity of dress code when initiated.

The Brethren joined in enthusiastically with the answers and more than a few added to their daily advancement in Masonic knowledge. The proceeds of the raffle at the Festive Board were donated to The Daggards who support many local charities: a good evening was had by all.

Notes by David Terry.

Wednesday 7th March 2018:

Kingston Lodge 1010 hosted the premier performance of Blow up the DC at the Festive Board and the Lodge Room was well filled, with numerous visitors joining the Kingston Brethren eager to see this explosive production. The many parts and characters were ably performed by W Bros David Terry and Richard Smedley along with Bros Mike Noble and Rob Atkinson (who made his debut Daggard appearance in a purely dramatic role) with W Bro Eddie Wildman taking the part of the narrator. W Bro Neil Armstrong (Secretary of the host Lodge) operated the accompanying slide show with his usual quiet efficiency, and kept a strict eye on the timing as the watching Brethren spotted the deliberate mistakes in the enacted scenarios. W Bro Jack Chapman, Preceptor of the Lodge of St Michael 7833 was selected as the most perceptive of the watching Brethren, and given the privilege of pressing the plunger and sending the DC to oblivion (engineering and pyrotechnics carefully controlled by W Bro Smedley.) The watching Brethren were most appreciative, remarking that many valuable points had been amusingly illustrative - some Brethren remarking "Yes, our Lodge does it like that, we'd better put it right."

The Daggards thank the WM, W Bro Louis Morgan, for his generosity at the festive board as well as for the cheque given to the Daggards in the Lodge Room, and, there being Daggards present from the Extravaganza (scroll down to September 2017 on this page) were pleased to sing after the toast to the visitors, and before the final toast.

Thank you, Kingston Lodge.


Friday 16th February 2018:

The drive through rush hour traffic in Lincolnshire was worse than anticipated, and Eddie Wildman and Mike Noble arrived at the Shire Lodge 5610 in Sleaford a scant half an hour before the Lodge tyled. Twenty-five minutes were spent in arranging the props; The Chapter Experience requires a screen, a newsdesk for the reporters, and several changes of costume/headwear/noses and spectacles throughout the performance (for the different characters including Scribes Ezra, Nehemiah and Prince Zerubbabel.) The Brethren were most cooperative in moving the equipment up the stairs to the Lodge Room, and enabled the Daggards to take their seats with sixty seconds to spare before the Lodge meeting began. W Bro Christopher Paul Williams, the Worshipful Master, gave Mike and Eddie an excellent introduction after calling the Lodge off for the performance. It was well received by all: the Lodge was well attended by Shire Brethren and many visitors. After the performance, which was rewarded with acclamation, the DC, W Bro G E Ray invited the Brethren to return their seats to the standard Lodge layout from the auditorium format they had adopted for the presentation, the Lodge was called on in due form and regular Masonic business resumed.

The Daggards thank the Brethren for their very generous donation, the proceeds of the raffle: Brother Noble assured the diners at the excellent festive board that their contribution would be well used in the support of a local charitable cause. Eddie and Mike had to leave before the evening was concluded, but remarked on the long drive back that it had been a lovely meeting and they'd like to go again. Thank you, Shire Lodge.

Art work by Mike Noble.

Saturday 27th January 2018:

Technical Lodge 5666 hosted a Burns Night with the dining hall packed to capacity. David Eastburn's superb mastery in the kitchen was evidenced in the Scottish themed menu, and the haggis was piped in with due ceremony by Piper Alex Crompton of the Beverley & District Pipe Band. The response to the Chieftan's toast "Tae the Immortal Memory an' tae the Lassies" was ably given by Mrs Kathy Sykes. Members of the Daggards involved in the entertainment following the meal were Jimmy 2 kilts Kerr (compere) abetted by Neil Armstrong (the on-screen pictures and words to the choruses), David Terry, Richard Smedley, Eddie Wildman, Mike Cheeseman, John Chew,  David Turner and Phil Daniels were willing vocalists. Everyone was delighted to hear Emily Blackledge perform on the violin. Whisky tasting followed under the expert guidance of Phil Daniels who as usual introduced some new but superb single malts to the appreciative company, and even after Auld Lang Syne had been sung, many were reluctant to leave, but stayed on to sample "just one more dram, if you don't mind." The Director of Ceremonies, W Bro Paul Hillary kept the company in very good order. The Daggards thank the Chieftan, W Bro Jonathan Sykes, for the donation towards local charities: it is good to be able to help the less fortunate whilst enjoying ourselves!

Thursday 11th January 2018:

The Daggards first performance in 2018 took place in Dagger Lane, the old name for which has inspired the troupe's title. Thesaurus Lodge 3891 enjoyed a performance of Farmer Boaz by Eddie Wildman and David Terry, and many of the Brethren remarked afterwards that it was a revelation: a familiar word of the first degree put into historical and Masonic context. The Daggards are very grateful for the generous donation - the Worshipful Master, Rob McKenna insisted that the proceeds of the raffle that evening be used towards one of the Daggards' charitable endeavours. (See the Your Contributions page.) 

Wednesday 20th December 2017:

The final Daggards performance for 2017 took place at Dagger Lane (the old name for which inspired the troupe's title) where the Minerva Chapter 250 enjoyed Excellent Companions Graham Miles' and Richard Theaker's audio-visual presentation of The Twelve Tribes of Israel explaining the history behind the banners displayed in Chapter meetings. Excellent Companion Christopher Brown remarked that as ever, all present heard something which was new to them, increasing both their Masonic and general knowledge.

Sunday 3rd December 2017:

Eddie Wildman, founder of the Daggards, celebrated his 65th birthday in the company of friends, many of whom have performed with him in times present and past. It was a truly delightful evening, commencing with a get-together quiz, led by Neil Armstrong in his border clan tartan. The buffet, organised by the incomparable David Eastburn was terrific. Toasts followed, including one to the ladies, given by Christopher Fuller, to which Wendy Richardson responded; to the Daggards - submitted by Ean Blair, and to Eddie himself, proposed by Craig Maurier. Mike Noble gave a stunning recitation of Shakespeare's "Seven Ages of Man" and Caroline Blair superbly accompanied a number of the Extravaganza Daggards  in a medley of musical items. The birthday cake, secretly commissioned by the Daggards through Philip Daniels, was a magnificently crafted Grand Piano on a black and white Masonic carpet, with Provincial Organist regalia artistically draped over the piano stool. Joe Duffill, a member of the De la Pole Lodge 1605 was the creator of this fantastic masterpiece. Look for him on Facebook:.https://www.facebook.com/joe.duff.779

Eddie thanks his friends for their many kindnesses, their support, and of course the cards and the presents.

Monday 13th November 2017:

It was a delight to entertain the Brethren at Yarborough Lodge 422 in the Masonic Province of Lincolnshire. The performance of The Chapter Experience - Mike Noble's debut in this zany production with Eddie Wildman, was enthusiastically received and complimented: "Even those who are long standing members of the Chapter have learnt something today," remarked the WM, W Bro Barry Cooper, pictured between Eddie and Neil, "and those who have yet to join now know something of what it is all about." The Daggards thank the Brethren for their generous donation of the proceeds of the raffle that evening, and for the courtesy afforded them during their sojourn in Gainsborough.

Photograph by Stuart Pearcey MCIPR.

Tuesday 7th November 2017:

W Bros David Terry and Eddie Wildman enjoyed a convivial evening with the Brethren and visitors of Lord Worsley Lodge 3017 in Cleethorpes, where they performed Farmer Boaz to a most attentive and appreciative audience, which included W Bro Mike Gerry, the Provincial Senior Grand Warden for the Province of Lincolnshire, who was representing the RWPGM on that occasion. David (who is the ProvSGW for the Province of Yorkshire North and East Ridings) remarked how unusual it was for a brace of Senior Wardens to be sitting together at the Festive Board. David and Eddie thank the Lord Worsley Brethren for their generous donation and for the compliments on the performance.

Photograph L to R: W Bro David Terry, ProvSGW (YN&ER), W Bro Mike Gerry, ProvSGW (Lincs), W Bro A K Scholtz, Worshipful Master, and W Bro Eddie Wildman PGOrg.

Monday 6th November 2017:

Marwood Chapter 6012 which meets in Middlesborough invited E Comp Rick Theaker, PGStwd, MEZ of the Minerva Chapter 250 (who lives in Scunthorpe, North Lincolnshire) to present an illustrated lecture on The Twelve Tribes of Israel, a round trip of over two hundred miles. Richard performed with his customary aplomb and the Companions expressed their approbation at his lively presentation.

Thursday 19th October 2017:

Bolingbroke Castle Lodge 8173 in Horncastle, Lincolnshire celebrated its fiftieth birthday with the Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Master for the Masonic Province of Lincolnshire presiding over the dedication of a set of working tools, gavels and Volume of Sacred Law. When the Worshipful Master, W Bro B W Webster resumed the Chair, the Lodge was called off and the Brethren enjoyed a performance of Writing the Minutes by Mike Noble, Eddie Wildman and David Terry (pictured) with Neil Armstrong, providing the on-screen images and sound effects. It was very well received. The Brethren were effusive in their thanks and comments, remarking "the projection, the voices, the humour - it was all superb!" The RWPGM, R W Bro Graham Ives added his appreciation at the Festive Board, stating that the entire evening had been "a truly splendid and happy occasion." It was well worth the Daggards' long drive to Horncastle (many thanks to David who negotiated the winding roads with his usual expertise) to meet such happy Brethren - and to receive a donation for local charities in addition.

Photograph by W Bro A G Mawer

Wednesday 11th October 2017:

It was a pleasure to perform I know the answers, but what do the questions mean? at the Lodge of St Andrew, particularly as there were three Entered Apprentices who expressed keen interest in the presentation. "It was excellent, informative and really enjoyable," said the Senior Warden, Brother Edward Brook, while the responding visitor, W Bro Andy Sables remarked "Eddie and Craig are geniuses - it was brilliant." There was a convivial atmosphere throughout the evening, led by the acting WM, W Bro Paul Bull, (pictured) which continued into the excellent Festive Board with Dave Eastburn's magnificent fare.

 Photograph by Bro Max Patel.

Tuesday 26th September 2017:

Tapton Hall, Sheffield, is a prestigious Masonic meeting place, and when the Brethren of the Lodge of Industry 6579 were joined by their wives and visitors the Lodge room was pleasantly buzzing. The Daggards' performance of The Medieval Engineers with Fellow Craft Freemason John Allsop taking the part of young Cedric, the sixteen-year old apprentice who learns about the stonemasons' craft and was accompanied as usual by a number of songs in which the audience joined. The Worshipful Master, James Hoyes (pictured) had organised an extensive raffle afterwards, and the proceedings were generously donated to the Daggards for their charitable funds.

Photograph by Emma Hoyes

Saturday 23rd September 2017:

Hearty congratulations to the Daggards team for their fantastic performance in the Music Extravaganza at the Masonic Hall, Beverley Road, Hull. As part of the bicentenary celebrations for the Province of Yorkshire North and East Ridings and the tricentenary celebrations of Freemasonry in England it was an unqualified success. The show featured Music and words written for Masons, composed by Masons, arranged by Masons and performed by Masons, including a movement of the Haydn trumpet concerto with Mark Richardson as soloist. The choir comprised Robert Atkinson, Ean Blair, John Broughton, Sergei Byelov, John Chapman, Mike Cheeseman, John Chew, Philip Daniels, Chris Hairsine, Barry Kensett, Jim Kerr, Terry Lynn, Richard Smedley, Peter Spencer and David Turner. Each had a solo spot as well as joining in the chorus. The conducter and accompanist Eddie Wildman wishes to express his sincere appreciation for the work done by his musicians, not only in the hours of practice in the chorus and solo numbers, but for their cooperation in preparing the Lodge Room, provision of props, and commendable attention to detail which all came together to make a memorable performance. Jim Kerr, who organised the non-musical side of the event must be congratulated for making everything flow so smoothly, as mentioned by the RWPGM, Jeffrey Gillyon, who attended both performances! Photographs by Christine Knock (Middlesborough), Sue Fuller and Alistair Lamyman (Hull).  Perhaps the most appreciative member of the audience was Rob Atkinson's young son Jasper, who danced along with the teddy bears.



 Caricatures of the Musical Extravaganza performers by Eddie Wildman.

Thursday 21st September 2017:

Humber Preceptory 223 saw a presentation of Eddie Wildman's Shields and Swords by the Eminent Precepter Craig Maurier and the Registrar, E Kt Mark Richardson VR; a fast moving outline of the development of early weaponry, backed with on-screen images. The Provincial Sub-prior, E Kt Timothy Grant Dillon remarked that while he had seen the presentation before, it was even better than ever and most enjoyable. Mark's demonstration of stabbing, slashing, battering and piercing was surprisingly vigorous, and those Knights sitting close by confessed themselves relieved to have reached the end of the performance with all limbs intact.

Photograph by Eddie Wildman.

Saturday 16th September 2017:

W Bro Craig Maurier, PPGStwd (Lincs) gave an erudite commentary accompanying a Third Degree enactment at the Technical Lodge 5666, based on the Neville Barker Cryer lectures, explaining the meaning behind some aspects of the ceremony with his customary measured delivery. The Worshipful Master, W Bro James Steel, thanked Craig on behalf of all present, remarking that we had all been enlightened by the interpolations, which had advanced everyone present in Masonic knowledge regardless of rank.

Photograph by Eddie Wildman.

Monday 11th September 2017:

Eminent Knights Craig Maurier and Mark Richardson performed Shields and Swords at the St John of Beverley Preceptory 385 to a small but distinguished convocation of Templar Knights under the command of the Eminent Preceptor, Eminent Knight Steve Berry. It was a lively performance, backed with a colourful Power Point presentation, and the senior Great Priory Officer present, E Kt Graham Miles, PGAdeC remarked that it had been most instructive as well as entertaining. The Daggards are grateful for the contribution presented at the Festive Board, which will help our endeavours with local charities.

Photograph by Eddie Wildman.

Saturday 9th September 2017:

The Lodge Room at the Masonic Hall, Roman Road, Middlesborough rang to the sound of the Daggards' Extravaganza Choir, with Eddie Wildman on keyboard and Mark Richardson on trumpet. The prestigious Masonic audience, accompanied by their wives, applauded enthusiastically, impressed, they said afterwards, not only by the quality of the performance, but the varied programme which featured every member of the team as a soloist at some point. The music ranged from the eighteenth century to the present day. The choir also sang at the convivial festive board afterwards and the audience joined in, filling the dining hall with wall-to-wall harmony. Many thanks to Ian Bailey, who made all the necessary arrangements for the Daggards' appearance in the north of the Province.

The concert is to be repeated later in the month in Hull.

Saturday 2nd September 2017:

School Lodges from all over the country joined in a prestigious convocation under the banner of the Old Pocklingtonian Lodge 7867 for the 70th Annual Festival of Federation of School Lodges at Pocklington School. W Bros Ean Blair and Eddie Wildman were pleased to perform Festive Board Entertainment as the Lodge meeting's entertainment in the school's Tom Stoppard Theatre, which was well received by the Brethren: the President, V W Bro N Bramley-Haworth PGSwdB PDepProvGM (East Lancs) remarked at the afterproceedings that it was "a unique experience in the Lodge Room" and many of the Brethren had said how much they had enjoyed joining in the singing. The Ladies attended the splendid meal afterwards, whereat Ean and Eddie performed The Ladies Song and repeated Happy to Meet Again, with everyone joining in the choruses. The photograph, taken just outside the Tom Stoppard Theatre, shows Eddie and Ean with the Worshipful Master, W Bro Peter Charles Brown between them.


Wednesday 21st June 2017:

Sykes Lodge 1040 met at the summer solstice and invited wives, partners, friends and non-masonic visitors to see Josh Bailey, Mike Noble and Eddie Wildman set up the Lodge Room as though for a meeting. The significance of the items on display became clear as the sibling rivalry between Joshua and Michael entertained the Brethren and guests, and the catwalk display of the aprons, with the Worshipful Master Peter Shawcross demonstrating a surprising elegance  on the chequered floor, was loudly applauded. "Lots of fun and chuckles," one Brother said afterwards, "and very informative. What a good way to dispel all those myths about Freemasonry, and with humour!" The buffet afterwards was superb and appreciated by all. The Daggards are very grateful for the generous donation towards local charities: Eddie Wildman thanked everyone for their kindness with the assurance that the money would be put to good use.

Photograph by Mr Mark Blakestone: Josh, Peter and Mike with greybeard Eddie at the front.


Monday 19th June 2017:

On what was probably the hottest day of the year so far, the Worshipful Master Peter Moore called the Lodge off so that the Brethren could remove their jackets during the performance of The Chapter Experience by W Bros Eddie Wildman and Terry Lynn. Holderness Lodge 3563 was well attended, and the Brethren applauded enthusiastically despite the heat, and again at the excellent Festive Board when a generous cheque was presented to the Daggards to go towards the support of local charities.

Saturday 22nd April 2017:

The annual celebration of St George was held by the Lodge of St Michael 7833 at Dagger Lane, with the loyal toast submitted by the WM, W Bro Antonio Jose Ramirez Jimenez and the toast to the patron saint eloquently delivered by Mr Matthew Breakell, after which everybody joined in the traditional singing of Blake & Parry's Jerusalem. The entertainment which followed was superbly organised by W Bro John Russell Wheeldon and included a rendition of Rule Britannia by W Bro Malcolm Sidney Ladd, and Antonio and Matthew delighting the audience with their Flanagan and Allen demonstration in Strolling. Everybody got into the spirit of the evening joining in I'm forever blowing Bubbles and the iconic red and white flags were waving furiously at the concluding Land of Hope and Glory. W Bro Eddie Wildman accompanied on the keyboard throughout. The Director of Ceremonies was W Bro Dr Ling Faang Yu.

Photographs by W Bro Steve Longthorp.

Friday 21st April 2017:

The Lodge of St Germain 566 in Selby enjoyed a costumed presentation by Eddie Wildman, Craig Maurier and David Terry in Writing the Minutes, with Neil Armstrong as the techie and interface between the eighteenth and twenty-first century.The Daggards enjoyed the excellent company of the Lodge under the leadership of the WM, W Bro David Hooper, and the fine festive board, organised by Steward Paul Hanley and others. Many thanks for the generous donation and the kind words!

Photograph by W Bro Robin Cawthray.

Saturday 1st April 2017:

Indaba Lodge 9454 celebrated its 25th year hosting the Kindred Lodges Association Spring Festival meeting at the prestigous Masonic Hall, Darlington, with the Daggards performing a 1765 initiation ceremony in period costume to an audience of over a hundred Scouting Brethren, many in uniform, from Scotland, Poole, Wales and Teeside, and other locations all over the country. The Daggards comprised Craig Maurier, Colin Woods, John Wheeldon, Eddie Wildman, David Whittle, Ean Blair, Richard Theaker, David Johnstone, Stephen Longthorpe and John Stead, while the part of the Candidate was taken by the Indaba Inner Guard, Akala Woggle Bradburn. (His real name is Eliot.)

The Festive Board was most convivial, the Brethren all in good spirits, while a number of young scouts helped to serve at table. It had been, as one of the visitors remarked "a brilliant afternoon." it was certainly a treat to see so many happy faces. The Daggards are grateful for the hospitality afforded them and the kind donation to their charitable enterprises.

Thursday 9th March 2017:

Falcon Lodge 1416 at Thirsk was full to capacity for the presentation KT meets the Craft given by Craig Maurier and Richard Theaker. They were very well received, many visitors remarking what a delight it was to be entertained and enlightened with such good humour, lively delivery and well coordinated on-screen illustrations. "We didn't know what to expect," said the Secretary, W Bro Jeremy Dawe, "but it was pleasure to see such a professional performance, with good humoured banter and every word clearly audible. We know a lot more about Knights Templar than we did before."

Pictured left to right: Luke Taylor, SW; Craig Maurier; Carlton Caswell, WM; Richard Theaker, Stephen Jackson, JW.


Monday 6th March 2017:

Knights Templar Danny Betts and Richard Theaker gave the light-hearted presentation Swords and Shields to Servitas Preceptory 608 in the well proportioned upper room at the Masonic Hall, St Johns Avenue, Bridlington, with the Provincial Prior, R E Kt Paul Martyn Darley in attendance. The fifteen minute whistle-stop tour of weaponry through the centuries, delivered with typical Daggards humour and backed up with Power Point illustrations, was well received as the high point of the busy agenda that evening.

Tuesday 21st February 2017:

W Bros Ean Blair and Eddie Wildman presented Festive Board Entertainment to a happy gathering of ladies, gentlemen and Brethren following the brief Lodge meeting of Hull Old Grammarians' Lodge 5129 at the iconic Lodge Room at Dagger Lane. W Bro Picard, in the Chair, thanked the Daggards for their excellent performance both in the Lodge Room and at the festive board itself, where Ean and Eddie performed the Song to the Visitors. It was an opportunity, too, for non-Masons to see the unique Masonic decor and to enjoy the cameraderie of the Craft. The Daggards are very grateful for the cheque given on behalf of the Lodge to swell the coffers of their chosen charities.

Friday 17th February 2017:

W Bros Wildman, Lynn, and Maurier were accompanied by Bro Mike Noble, who is understudying the part of the officious and interfering WM for a performance of Writing the Minutes 1765 later in the year, and he was directed by our Technical wizard, W Bro Neil Armstrong, to introduce the proceedings. The South Lincolnshire Masonic Hall in Sleaford was a new venue for most of the Daggards, and the welcome afforded by the Shire Lodge 5610 was a delight. The Lodge was very well supported by visitors, who said they had never before witnessed such a different Masonic experience. The Master, W Bro Christopher Paul Williams, presented the Daggards with the very generous proceeds of the raffle, after which Terry Lynn introduced the assembled company to the vocal version of the Tylers' Toast (another first for the Brethren, but they joined in the chorus with tremendous enthusiasm.) It was a pleasure to perform there: thank you, Shire Lodge!

Photograph of Craig, Terry and Eddie by Bro. Mike (Irregular Shoes) Noble.

Saturday 28th January 2017:

Burns Night has become a highlight of the year for the Technical Lodge 5666 and once again the dining hall was full to capacity at Beverley Road, where David Eastburn's culinary expertise has become legendary. The entertainment comprised a "Burns, Baby Burns" drama with Jimmy (2 Kilts) Kerr in the title role, Eddie Wildman narrating, and Mike Cheeseman making his debut appearance as Jean Armour and Burns' over lovers. His performance was unbelievably topped by his contributions to the musical items which followed, when he appeared as the biggest Haggis in the world as Jimmy led the singing in Oh, what a Beauty. Other soloists included John Chapman, Philip Daniels, Richard Smedley and David Turner, who performed old favourites before the serious whisky tasting continued, Philip Daniels expounding the merits of the various single malts with his customary expertise.The Chieftan, the Worshipful Master James Steel, expressed his satisfaction to the team and made a generous Lodge donation to the Daggards.



Photographs by W Bros Ian Syddall, John Wheeldon and Bro Ian Montgomery.

Thursday 26th January 2017:

The Lodge of St Michael 7833 enjoyed an entertaining evening with W Bros Terry Lynn and Eddie Wildman presenting The Chapter Experience - a light-hearted look at what the Royal Arch Chapter entails. Terry's rendition of the song "I'm forever Zerabubble" earned enthusiastic applause. The Worshipful Master, W Bro Antonio Jose Ramirez Jimines (pictured between Terry and Eddie) expressed his appreciation on behalf of everybody present.

Photograph: W Bro John Wheeldon.


Thursday 19th January 2017:

The Daggards' first appearance in 2017 was at the Aire and Calder Chapter of Royal Arch Masons 458 in the Province of Yorkshire West Riding. E. Comps David Terry (MEZ of the Humber Chapter 57) and Eddie Wildman PPGScN performed Farmer Boaz to a most attentive and appreciative Chapter of Companions and visitors. E Comp Kenneth Eyre of the Sykes Chapter 1040 in Driffield said in his response to the visitors' toast afterwards that he had seen the Daggards perform many times, but this presentation was new to him: he would never look at Boaz in the same light again. The festive board was good, and the raffle, which was presented for the Daggards to use with local charities, was very generous; Eddie and David expressed their appreciation of the kind hospitality afforded them during the evening. Pictured: back row, left to right: E Comps Cowlin, Coult and Westaby (H, Z & J); at the front: E Comps Terry and Wildman.

Photograph: E Comp Des Ashton.

Thursday 15th December 2016:

W Bro Craig Maurier delivered his lecture The Wizard of Oz as Masonic Parable to the Vermuyden Lodge 9482 in Crowle, North Lincolnshire: the Lodge Room was full and the Brethren very appreciative. "He's a very intelligent young man," remarked one of the visitors. "You wouldn't think it to look at him!" The Daggards are very grateful for the contribution which will go to support local charities. The dining hall rang with carols after the Festive Board was over: it was a happy Masonic occasion.

Thursday 15th December 2016:

The Christmas Lodge of St Michael 7833 enjoyed the company of wives and friends at the Festive Board, whereat John Wheeldon, Terry Lynn and Eddie Wildman presented The Mason Family in Spain to the particular delight of the Spanish visitors, who fell about laughing at Terry's accent as a Spanish Tour Operator. In keeping with the Spanish theme (adopted as the WM, Antonio Jose Ramirez Jiminez comes from Grenada) the Spanish visitors regaled the assembled company with a traditional Catalanian carol, with everybody else joining in the choruses.

It was a delightful evening, full of good cheer. The WM enjoyed his role as una perdiz en un arbolde pera and everybody sang well. Pictured, from the left, John Wheeldon (author) as Granny Trump; Terry Lynn as Scoutmaster; Antonio Ramirez, WM; and Eddie Wildman as Frank Mason.

Photograph: Bro Michael Martin-Smith.

Wednesday 14th December 2016:

W Bros Terry Lynn and Eddie Wildman travelled to the Isle of Axholme Lodge 1482 in Crowle to present The Chapter Experience to an appreciative audience, many of whom were not members of the Chapter and found the history of the rediscovered temple and the plethora of characters involved in the Order  a completely unexpected Masonic experience. It was also a pleasure for the Daggards to witness a first class presentation of a Grand Lodge Certificate by the DC, W Bro J W Hodgkinson ProvDepGDC to Bro H Goodenough. There were carols downstairs, followed by The Twelve Days of Christmas, and the WM, W Bro Terence Cox, thanked the Daggards "for their excellent contribution," coupled with a generous donation which will be used in supporting local charities. 

Saturday 3rd December 2016:

Beverlonian Lodge's Christmas get-together following the brief meeting began with wives and interested visitors joining the Brethren in the Lodge Room where Eddie Wildman gave his mini presentation Masons on Board, before everyone enjoyed festive fare and seasonal songs in the dining hall below. "It was really interesting," said Bro Mark Taylor, the Junior Warden, "I felt as though I was on board myself." The Worshipful Master, W. Bro Gary Shores performed the role of the Partridge in the Twelve Days of Christmas most melodically.

Tuesday 29th November 2016:

The Daggards' most recent members, Bros. Josh Bailey and Mike Noble with founder Daggard Eddie Wildman, performed to a full house in the Lodge Room in Beverley Road, Hull, to an audience of New Masons, their partners, interested friends and a medley of Mentors. The Deputy Provincial Grand Master and an Assistant Provincial Grand Master also attended. The evening was intended to give an insight into Freemasonry at its most basic level, with a drama explaining the Lodge Room, some of the items used in the ceremonies, and the principles of the institution, after which questions were answered, the hierarchy and the mentoring system explained. It was a very succesful evening, with favourable comments from many visitors. W Bro Neil Armstrong, who had helped with rehearsals, said "you three were great, the audience were following your every move and enjoying the humour. I was pleased to be your roadie!" 

Saturday 26th November 2016:

Craig Maurier and Eddie Wildman entertained "Down at the Old Bull and Bush" in the Golden Fleece Hotel, Thirsk, in aid of Yorkshire Air Ambulance, the charitable cause chosen by The Order of St John as this year's worthy cause. The Knights and Dames were appropriately clad in Cockney garb for the event, with some excellent pearly kings and queens, and everybody joined in enthusiastically. Craig (in the boater) led the singing while Eddie (topper) provided the keyboard accompaniment. Commander Susan Fox (The Lady in the Hat) thanked Craig and Eddie for their efforts before they set off homewards, the North Yorkshire roads glittering with frost.

Photograph by Martin Elwick.

Monday 21st November 2016:

The Andrew Marvell Lodge, now approaching its eightieth year, invited W Bro Eddie Wildman to deliver I know the Answers, but what do the Questions Mean? to inform its latest members of the significance of the questions and answers exchanged at the conclusion of the First Degree. On this occasion the presentation was given following a demonstration of the Q & A ritual by the WM, W Bro Colin Shields and his Wardens, and there were interpolations of relevant portions of ritual by a number of the Brethren during the performance. "It is always a little alarming to discover how much one has forgotten," remarked the Senior Warden, W Bro Richard Green, PPGSwB. "Brilliant as ever," said the Junior Warden, W Bro Peter Kenningham, "My daily advancement in Masonic knowledge is two months in credit now."

Monday 14th November 2016:

The Yarborough Lodge 422 was called off and converted to a courtroom, and the WM, Alan Stephen Popham relinquished his Chair to the Hon. Judge Mephistopheles (Richard Smedley) for the trial of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (Ean Blair) with Julian Bailey as Prosecuting Counsel. The Counsel for the Defense was David Terry, the Court Clerk (also accompanist for the songs used in evidence) Eddie Wildman, and the Security Guard Craig (Muscles) Maurier, while the Court Press Officer Richard Theaker took notes and photographs. The jury of Freemasons had little difficulty in arriving at a verdict, and after judgement had been pronounced, the Lodge was called back on.

The Festive Board was full of music: the Sung Grace before the commencement of the meal was taken as a challenge by the Chaplain, Jim Elvidge, who persuaded the Treasurer, Andrew Caswell, to join him in a hymnal Return of Thanks. This set the tone for the toasts, and the National Anthem was delivered with great gusto. Julian Bailey's debut rendition of "A Mason Below" encouraged the assembly to join in the choruses, and the other Daggards delivered the Visitors' Song, "A Lift on the Way" and Happy to Meet Again." It was, as one of the visitors remarked, "a magnificent evening." The Daggards are extremely grateful to the Yarborough Lodge, the Brethren and Visitors, for the very generous donation, which will of course be put to charitable use as winter and Christmas approaches.

Photographs by Court Press Officer Richard Theaker.

Thursday 3rd November 2016:

The Lodge room was full when the Ladies joined the Brethren to see Philip Daniels, Terry Lynn and Eddie Wildman perform Festive Board Entertainment for the Constitutional Lodge 294 in Beverley. "The team was in good voice, the changing hats and accents added to the fun, and we all learnt something," remarked one of the visitors. The Daggards were pleased to perform before such a convivial crowd, and to accept the kind donation earmarked for local charities. Pictured L to R: Eddie Wildman, John Barry Rowland (Worshipful Master), Terry Lynn and Philip Daniels.

Photograph by Mike Noble, SD.


Wednesday 5th October 2016:

Kingston Lodge 1010 uses an extended ritual for the First Degree Tracing Board and a surprising number of visitors came from Bro Mike Noble's mother Lodge, Constitutional 294 to support him on his debut Daggards presentation of this Victorian epic, With W Bro Neil Armstrong skilfully changing the power point slides and W Bro Eddie Wildman annoyingly interrupting, it provided an entertaining evening, which led to a quiz afterwards at the festive board with prizes for the high scorers. The Representative of the RWPGM, W Bro David Johnstone remarked that the Daggards are well known for their ability to educate and entertain at the same time, and spoke of the upcoming meeting for young masons at Beverley Road on November 29th when Mike would be performing along with other Daggards, inviting the many Apprentices present to come along. W Bro Wildman was pleased to receive a cheque from the WM, W Brother Bill Hartley to be used in the support of local charities. 

Photograph by W Bro Philip Daniels (L to Right: Mike Noble, Eddie Wildman, Neil Armstrong.)

Tuesday 4th October 2016:

"Informative, educational, but above all, entertaining," remarked the MEZ of the Technical Chapter 5666, E Comp John Chapman, following the performance of Haggai's Message by Daggards David Terry and Eddie Wildman. It was a pleasure to perform in such a friendly and accommodating Chapter, and the Daggards are grateful for the generous donation, which will of course be used in the support of local charitable work.


Tuesday 13th September 2016:

Humber Lodge 57 (the lowest numbered Lodge in the Province) enjoyed last year's Provincial lecture in the soon-to-be-refurbished Lodge room at Dagger Lane, where last year's Provincial Lecturer, W Bro Eddie Wildman PGOrg spoke on Tradition and Innovation - but we've always done it that way! The feedback was stimulating as it gave rise to discussion about what should be permitted within our ceremonies, given that so many supposedly irrevocable features in this ancient Atholl Lodge had been altered or removed since the eighteenth century.

Thursday 8th September 2016:

Thesaurus Lodge 3891, due to circumstances beyond their control had to defer the intended third degree ceremony and invited W Bro Eddie Wildman to deliver his brief account of Masons on Board which told of his Masonic encounters (and encounters with non-Masons) during a recent cruise. One visitor remarked that it was not only informative but funny: "It's the way he does all the different voices," saying that he was looking forward to seeing it on the Provincial website.

Photographic montage by Des Ashston.

Monday 15th August 2016:

It was possibly the hottest evening of the year at St Cuthbert's Chapter in Howden, when E Comps David Terry and Eddie Wildman delivered Haggai's Message to a well attended meeting with visitors from far and wide. The banners were dismantled so that everyone could see David and Eddie explaining the meaning of one of the Exaltation readings - with the usual complement of changing voices, accents and jokes. The United Grand Chapter Officer waxed lyrical, thanking them for "the excellent and informative presentation", and the MEZ led the acclamation. The festive board was delightful, and the Daggards were delighted with the generous donation raised by the Companions, which will, of course, be used in supporting local charities.

Photograph L - R: Mark Phillip Payne, H; Eddie Wildman; Desmond John Ashton, Z; David Terry; Matt Dalby, J.

Friday 12th August 2016:

The glorious twelfth saw W Bros Ean Blair, Eddie Wildman and Julian Bailey at the Masonic Hall in Scarborough, where Mrs Cathy Ingledow, (stunning in yellow) Worshipful Master of the Harbour Lodge 185 together with other ladies of the Lodge, had organised a friendly social gathering and a performance of Festive Board Entertainment. The lovely Lodge Room, with the dome skylight opened to the bright summer evening and the sound of seagulls was the perfect setting for the event: Eddie Wildman remarked how pleasant it was to have such an appreciative, musical, and good looking audience. The Daggards felt privileged to have entertained there, particularly when, as they bid farewell afterwards, they were treated to a spontaneous chorus of "Happy to meet again" which the ladies appeared to have memorised after hearing it only once. The generous donation, which will be used in the support of local charities, was very much appreciated.

Friday 24th June 2016:

Traditionally, the feast of St John the Baptist (and also that of St John the Evangalist) were important times for Masonic events, being close to the summer and winter solstices, the longest and shortest days of the year, and indeed there were a number of local Masonic events on this date. One such was at the Ridings Tablers' Lodge 9586, where W Bro Ean Blair, ProvJGD and W Bro Mark Green, PPJGD delivered I know the Answers but what do the Questions Mean? to a select audience at the Beverley Masonic Hall. Some of the senior Brethren present commented afterwards that it was refreshing to revisit some of the old ritual, adding understanding to what for many years had been taken for granted. Pictured L to R: Ean Blair; Steve Hastings, WM; and Mark Green (in his debut appearance in a Daggards production.) 

Interestingly, the summer solstice this year coincided with a full moon, the first such occurence in sixty-eight years. This is known as a "strawberry moon" so the sweet course at the festive board was particularly appropriate.

 RTL Photograph by IPM W Bro Colin Woods.

Saturday 18th June 2016:

W Bros Ean Blair and Eddie Wildman gave a performance of I know the Answers, but What do the Questions Mean? at the Technical Lodge 5666 and were pleased with the positive feedback: "That ought to be published for every Entered Apprentice," "When are you going to do it for the Second and Third Degrees?" and "It was all a blur, but now I understand what the questions and answers are all about." Ean and Eddie were also delighted with the generous donation to the Daggards, who are continuing to support local charities, so grateful thanks to the WM Mike Cheeseman and the Brethren of the Technical Lodge!


Wednesday 11th May 2016:

The Minerva Lodge 250 enjoyed a plethora of intelligent and erudite visitors at the traditional business meeting whereat W Bro Ean Blair, (resplendent in his new apron and collar reflecting his recent promotion to ProvJGD) joined with W Bro Eddie Wildman in the illustrated performance of I Know the Answers, But What Do the Questions Mean? exploring the meaning behind the catechism leading from the first to the second degree. The Worshipful Master, W Bro Mark Richardson VR, opined that everybody present had learned something new from the presentation, and generously donated the proceeds of the evening's raffle to the Daggards, informing everyone of the Daggards' practice of supporting local charities.

Tuesday 10th May 2016:

Whilst not technically a Daggards presentation, Eddie Wildman's submission of the traditional toast to the laying of the foundation stone of the Humber Lodge 57, focussing on The Dark Side and presented with slides in the manner of a Penny Dreadful, was well received and enthusiastically applauded. The invaluable assistance given by fellow Daggard Richard Smedley in projecting the pictures with immaculate timing added to the ambience of the evening,

Thursday 28th April 2016:

The Inquirimus Lodge of Installed Masters 8132 in Filey were very flattering in their praise of Eddie Wildman's final performance as Provincial Lecturer (he relinquishes the post on the 30th) with Tradition and Innovation - But We've Always Done It That Way, while at the same time W Bro Andrew Popely PPSGW presented the same lecture to the White Horse Lodge of Installed Masters 9807 in Leyburn where it was also very well received. Many thanks to Andrew who enabled this simultaneous performance!

Saturday 23rd April 2016:

St George's Day was celebrated with the traditional roast beef and Yorkshire pudding at Dagger Lane, Hull, where Daggard members John Wheeldon, John Stead and Malcolm Ladd led the singing of war-time favourites with Eddie Wildman at the keyboard. The guests joined in splendidly, with lots of flag waving and even bubble blowing. It was a good evening, and WM Bernard Frazer and his wife Maureen thanked the ladies, gentlemen and brethren for their generous contributions during the year towards his selected charities.

Monday 18th April 2016:

The prestigious Masonic building at Blenheim House in Batley, in the Province of Yorkshire West Riding provided a superb setting for W Bros Neil Armstrong and Eddie Wildman to perform the illustrated presentation of Riding the Goat to the erudite and appreciative audience of the Nelson of the Nile Lodge 264.The Brethren were fulsome in their praises and the meal was excellent. Pictured: back, L to R: Bro D Magee, SW; W Bro D E Gomersall, WM; W Bro A Thompson, JW; front, Neil and Eddie. The goat declined to have its picture taken.

Photograph by W Bro Paul Anthony Goldthorpe PPSGD.

Thursday 14th April 2016:

Thesaurus Lodge 3891 celebrated its first meeting at Dagger Lane with W Bro Mike East in the Master's Chair by following the brief proceedings with the Humber Daggards performing to the Brethren, wives and non-Masonic visitors: Festive Board Entertainment was well received, and many there remarked on the light-hearted atmosphere both with the entertainment in the Lodge Room and at the Festive Board downstairs afterwards. The Daggards were delighted with the very generous charitable donation, which Richard Smedley remarked would be well applied, after singing A Lift on the Way which is about the importance of charitable giving. Here pictured left to right are David Terry,Des Ashton, Angela East, Eddie Wildman, Mike East and Richard Smedley.

Photograph by Ian Syddall (under the direction of Des Ashton.)

Wednesday 6th April 2016:

Eddie Wildman delivered the Provincial Lecture for the second time at St Saviourgate, York, this time to the Brethren of Mitre Lodge 7321; though the technology again attempted to misbehave, Eddie managed to recover the pictures and the presentation was well received. "Tradition and Innovation - but we've always done it that way" was followed by an excellent meal in convivial company.

Friday 1st April 2016:

The Ridings Tablers' Lodge 9586 intends to launch its own Chapter in the not too distant future, and it was partly with this in mind that it hosted The Chapter Experience, with W. Bros Des Ashton and Eddie Wildman, who took on the fast-changing roles of Crusty Provincial Officers; the Argumentative Scribes (who sang the celebrated Banner Duet with apologies to Mozart,) sundry Newscasters, Sojourners, Fashionista and Cat-Walk Model, and the Singing Zerubbabel. Royal Arch Chapter Masonry was explained in the typical light hearted Daggards fashion, to generous applause and an equally generous donation towards local charities. The Worshipful Master and his Wardens entered into the spirit of the presentation afterwards by borrowing a few props for the photographic line-up (L to R): Peter Jones, SW; Eddie Wildman; Stephen Hastings, WM; Des Ashton and Andrew Pittaway, JW. Photograph by Jonothan Smith (under the guidance of Des Ashton.) Many thanks to the Brethren and visitors for their kind support!

Thursday 17th March 2016:

Daggards Mark Richardson, Danny Betts, Richard Theaker and Eddie Wildman are Knights Templar, and were pleased to give an explanation of what the Order is about to a number of interested visitors and potential new members, following the regular KT meeting in the Red Room at Dagger Lane. The Preceptory remained on view and the assembled Knights in regalia added to the ambience. Mark delivered his jokes with immaculate timing while Richard explained aspects of the Order with commendable patience. Danny was impressively authoritative as he outlined the Christian nature of the Templars and Eddie recited the Precepts. The conviviality continued at the festive board, and the Eminent Preceptor congratulated all present for their generosity in the raffle, which had raised £95 for a donation to Connaught Court.

Photograph by Antonio Jose R Jimines

Monday 7th March 2016:

Eddie Wildman was pleased to deliver the Provincial Lecture at the Forest of Galtries Lodge 9438 at Easingwold, where one of the visitors afterwards complimented him as "a man of many voices." It was a delightful evening both at the Galtries Centre and at the George Hotel afterwards. The WM, W Bro Andrew James Popely PPSGW and W Bro Wildman both won prizes in the raffle, which was an added bonus!

Friday 12th February 2016:

The hospitality of the Brethren of the Lodge of Philosophy 6057 was second to none. Not only did they hold their regular February meeting earlier in the day to allow the Daggards free reign at their normal start time of 7:15 pm, but were waiting to help us unload and take our props upstairs to the Lodge room when we arrived (and to transport them to the car afterwards.) Festive Board Entertainment was delivered by the Humber Daggards, Des Ashton, Richard Smedley, David Terry and Eddie Wildman to an appreciative audience of the Brethren and their wives, and more vocal contributions given after the splendid meal, with everyone joining in the choruses, and the Worshipful Master's solo line was enthusiastically applauded. The munificent contribution from the WM, W Bro Graham Brindle on behalf of the Brethren was gratefully received: Richard explained that our aims are to help the needy, which, following his song of A Lift on the Way was particularly appropriate. Many thanks to all!

Pictured L to R: Eddie Wildman, Des Ashton, Graham Brimble, Richard Smedley and David Terry. Photograph by Mrs Doreen Longstaff.

Monday 1st February 2016:

It was a delight to perform The Medieval Engineers for the Grimsby Daylight Lodge 9748 after the regular meeting: the ladies were invited in to join the Brethren, and Eddie Wildman and David Terry (assisted by the Senior Deacon, Bro Mark Richards, who took the part of Apprentice Cedric) gave a light hearted explanation in words and song on the connection between the medieval builders and Craft Masonry today. The three performers also featured at the festive board when Mark was presented with a certificate for his excellence as a Medieval Engineer. The Daggards are grateful to Grimsby Daylight Lodge for the generous donation which will be directed towards local charities.

Photograph by Mark Richards.

Wednesday 27th January 2016:

The Brethren of the St. Saviour Lodge of Installed Masters 8433 were very appreciative of Eddie Wildman's delivery of the Provincial Lecture in their prestigious Lodge Room in York, though without the expert assistance of W Bro John Wilkinson who managed to persuade the technology to function correctly, the accompanying Power Point would have had to be abandoned! Many thanks to the Brethren for their stalwart support.

Saturday 23rd January 2016:

Daggards Philip Daniels, John Chapman, Richard Smedley and Eddie Wildman were joined by W Bro David Turner of the Technical Lodge 5666, whose fine tenor voice in "Scotland the Brave" started the musical entertainment at the traditional Technical Lodge Burns Night, with Jimmy "Two Kilts" Kerr (who delivered the toast to the haggis) as compere. The Daggards were pleased to perform a number of Scottish songs to support W Bro Daniels and the Technical Lodge -and, of course, to sample the excellent whiskies with the traditional Scottish fare. Chieftan Mike Cheeseman was effusive in his thanks to all who had made the evening such a success.

Friday 8th January 2016:

The Humber Daggards (W Bros Ashton, Smedley, Terry and WIldman) were delighted to start 2016's Daggard appearances at the 700th meeting of the Acklam Lodge 6248 - the Lodge's 70th Anniversary at the Masonic Hall, Roman Road, Middlesborough, with a performance of Festive Board Entertainment to a large and enthusiatic audience. The APGM, W Bro Malcolm J Dabbs called it "a cracking night" - the Brethren having joined in enthusiastically not only in the Lodge Room but in the banqueting hall afterwards. The Daggards are grateful not only for the splendid courtesy extended to them by all present but for the very generous donation which will, of course, be used in the support of local charities.

Pictured L to R: Des Ashton, Richard Smedley, Worshipful Master Jonathan Davidson, David Terry and Eddie Wildman. Photograph by Adrian Rounce.

Saturday 12th December 2015:

Lord Bolton Lodge celebrated its Christmas meeting by asking the ladies and non-Masonic guests to join the Brethren in the Lodge room after the meeting. A Daggards Trio performed Festive Board Entertainment to the assembled company, who joined in the choruses. (The ladies were undeniably better singers than their husbands.) After the excellent Christmas meal, Ean, Eddie and Julian entertained with seasonal music, concluding with The Twelve Days of Christmas. Eddie thanked everyone for their generosity with the donation, which, he explained, was being directed to Homeless in Hull and other charitable organisations (see the Your Contributions page.)

Photograph Left to Right: Julian Bailey, Ean Blair, Worshipful Master Gerald Lock and his Lady, and Eddie Wildman.

Wednesday 9th December 2015:

W. Bros. Neil Armstrong and Philip Daniels braved the wintry wilds of Lincolnshire to deliver Riding the Goat at the Isle of Axholme Lodge 1482 in Crowle to an interested and appreciative audience. Neil and Philip were delighted at the warmth of the reception, the conviviality of the company and the quality of the festive board: "First class hospitality from the minute we walked in - what a super Lodge, super place and lovely Brethren." The Daggards are very grateful for the donation from the Isle of Axholme Lodge, which will be used to help the needy and homeless at this difficult time of year.

Photograph L to R: Philip Daniels, PPSGW; Barrie L Turner, Worshipful Master of the Isle of Axholme Lodge 1482; Neil Armstrong PPGStwd, Masonic author and lecturer.

Monday 7th December 2015:

"Murder in the Temple" had its debut performance at the Humber Installed Masters Lodge 2494 to an extensive and appreciative audience. The large cast, supported with "extras" from the Brethren, told the story underlying the Third Degree with typical Daggards humour, fast moving action and wit. The Daggards are pleased to welcome into the team Danny Betts, our new stuntsman. The generous comments (and kind donation) afterwards show that the play had opened new areas of speculation for some in both Craft and Chapter. Pictured Left to Right: Sparky Stebbings, David Terry, Richard Smedley, Eddie Wildman, Craig Maurier, Bob Taylor (WM), David Johnstone, Ean Blair, Philip Daniels, Terry Lynn, Paul Ralph, Danny Betts and Richard Theaker.

Group photograph by Des Ashton.

Friday 20th November 2015:

Shakespeare Lodge 426 in Spilsby saw an excellent attendance for the Daggards' Writing the Minutes. Neil Armstrong as the Technical Expert provided the background screen images and sound effects while Eddie Wildman, the long suffering eighteenth century Secretary, attempted to put the minutes together despite the interference of the Master, Craig Maurier, and his Senior Warden, Terry Lynn. The Brethren were most appreciative. Visitor W Bro M Brown, Master of Eccles Lodge 8632 remarked "It was a bit like Black Adder meets Yes Minister." The Daggards are very appreciative of the very generous donation from the Shakespeare Brethren and visitors, especially at this time: as the weather moves into winter we are all more aware of the problems of the needy.

Pictured clockwise from the WM, Gideon Charles Hall: Eddie, Neil, Terry and Craig.  Photograph by G R Howden.

Wednesday 4th November 2015:

Eddie Wildman is grateful for the  encouraging words following his performance of "Piano Lollipops throught the Ages" at Kingston Lodge's White Table meeting. The audience were appreciative of the selection of piano pieces, ably illustrated on Power Point by Neil Armstrong, and of the vocal contributions by Philip Daniels, "The Golden Baritone." A visitor remarked "What a wonderful evening.Superb food, great company and phenomenal entertainment . . . 'Musical Lollopops' - confectionary at its best!" The Daggards were pleased to insist that the generous donation for this event was directed towards the Province's Festival. 

Wednesday 21st October 2015:

The Saint Albans Lodge 1294 hosted a Daggards performance of Writing the Minutes, wherein W Bro David Terry made his first appearance as the crusty eighteenth century Senior Warden. W Bros Craig Maurier and Eddie Wildman took the parts of the WM and his long suffering Secretary, while the on-screen images, music and sound effects were ably managed by W Bro Neil Armstrong. It was a splendid evening, well supported by lots of visitors. The compliments and plaudits given afterwards were very acceptable, one worthy Brother remarking that the Daggards should be performing at the West End. David entertained the assembled company at the generous festive board with the Visitors Song and "Happy to Meet Again". The Daggards would like to thank W Bro John Broughton PPJGD, Worshipful Master of the Lodge, (pictured in the blue master's collar with Eddie, David, Craig and Neil) and to the St Albans Brethren for the kindness afforded them in the Masonic Hall, Grimsby, and for the donation which will be used to support local charitable causes.

Monday 19th October 2015:

It was a pleasure to return to the Lodge Room at the pretstigious Victoria Rooms at Bradford's Midland Hotel. Eddie and Craig (pictured with W Bro David Clark, the Worshipful Master) delivered The Wizard of Oz as a Masonic Parable to an attentive and interested audience, who afterwards contributed generously with a donation which will be well applied in the support of local charities. Eddie and Craig thank the members of the Victoria Lodge 2669 in the Province of Yorkshire West Riding for the invitation and the courtesies extended to them during their visit - an amaible and well-fed evening.

Photograph by Bro Neil Roberts, IG.


Friday 16th October 2015:

A select but appreciative audience enjoyed Entertainment at the Festive Board at the Burlington Lodge 3975 in Bridlington. The Daggards are very grateful for the generous donation towards local charities passed to them afterwards by W Bro David J Harris, the Worshipful Master. Pictured in the dining hall after a delicious fish and chip meal are Eddie Wildman, Julian Bailey and Ean Blair behind  Worshipful Brother Harris. 

Photograph by Gary Shores, visiting from the Beverlonian Lodge 9084.

Thursday 23th September 2015:

The Lodge of St Michael 7833 made a very generous contribution to the Daggards following the debut performance of Riding the Goat by the Daniels and Armstrong duo at the Lodge Founders' Night. (The Lodge was consecrated fifty-three years ago.) Many members commented on the interesting subject matter: "I learnt a lot," remarked a Past Master at the Festive Board afterwards, "there were many things explained to me tonight which I'd never realised I didn't know." Pictured clockwise from the top left are Worshipful Brothers Philip Daniels, Neil Armstrong, Bernard Frazer (WM) and Tony Hayes, Grand Lodge Officer.

Photograph by Eddie Wildman.

Wednesday 19th August 2015:

Entertainment at the Festive Board was performed at the Old Globe Lodge 200 in Scarborough. For the past decade, the Lodge has invited guests from the Howley Lodge 5012 from Batley (in the Province of Yorkshire West Riding) to the August meeting, and the large audience for the Daggards was most appreciative. The Daggards' light hearted performance saw the debut of our latest recruit, W Bro Julian Bailey, (left) WM of Gainas Lodge 5121 in the Masonic Province of Lincolnshire, along with old hands W Bros Terry Lynn and Eddie Wildman. The Daggards are grateful for the kind donation made at the Festive Board afterwards.

(Pictured left to right: Julian, Terry, Graham Altuccini, WM & Eddie.)

Tuesday 14th July 2015:

The Humber Lodge 57 saw a performance by Eddie Wildman and Craig Maurier (both members of the lowest numbered Lodge in the Province.) I know the answers, but what do the questions mean? is an illustrated duologue explaining the meaning behind the questions and answers required to pass from the first to the second degree, but it was not only informative to the Entered Apprentice, but to all, as Grand Lodge Officer Mike Graham, PJGD, remarked as a representative of the RWPGM: "The Daggards are known for their excellent presentations, and tonight was no exception." Pictured between Craig and Eddie are the WM, Malvin Sharpless and the most recent Entered Apprentice, Ashley Tong. The Daggards are very grateful for the generous donation from the members of the Humber Lodge.

Photograph by Mike Brown.

Monday 6th July 2015:

Founder Daggard Eddie Wildman travelled to Redcar to deliver the 2015 Provincial Lecture Tradition and Innovation - but we've always done it that way to the Roseberry Installed Masters Lodge 8571. Ean Blair, another founder, was his driver. It was a pleasant evening in the north of the Province in distinguished and appreciative company.

Photograph by Des Ashton.

Thursday 2nd July 2015:

The Hull Old Grammarians' Chapter 5129 was generous not only in the acclamation given to Neil Armstrong and Eddie Wildman for their inaugural Chapter presentation of the light-hearted duologue Riding the Goat, but in the cheque quietly presented afterwards. The Daggards are grateful for all contributions which are used to support local causes. Pictured left to right: Bernard Hiles, H; Eddie Wildman; Ean Blair, MEZ; Neil Armstrong; Gary Fee, J.          Photograph by Comp. S. Picard.

Tuesday 30th June 2015:

At the Hull Lodge of Royal Ark Mariners 182  Eddie and Neil (pictured with the Worshipful Commander, Peter Haire) gave the presentation Riding the Goat to an appreciative audience, whose enthusiastic acclamation was matched by a substantial donation. The Daggards are very grateful for the generosity of the Brethren in this colourful Order: Neil, accepting the donation, told the company assembled at the festive board that it would be properly applied to help the needy.

Saturday 20th June 2015:

Technical Lodge 5666 saw a presentation of W Bro Craig Maurier's Wizard of Oz as Masonic Parable performed by the author and W Bro Philip Daniels. There was a healthy number of visitors also attending. Craig elucidated the esoteric allusions within Baum's novel and their development on film despite the apposite heckling provided by Philip, who read passages from the book and elsewhere in a remarkable variety of voices and accents, and even burst into song on occasion. The Worshipful Master, W Bro Chris Bodsworth remarked that the material had been not only informative but entertaining, delivered with panache. Pictured L to R: Philip, Craig and Chris.

Photograph: W Bro W E Blair.

Thursday 11th June 2015:

W Bros Neil Armstrong (Provincial Lecturer for the Order of Athelstan) and Eddie Wildman (Provincial Lecturer for the Province of Yorkshire North and East Ridings) collaborated in a Daggards presentation of Neil's Riding the Goat which was enthusiastically received by the Brethren of the Thesaurus Lodge 3891 and the many visitors. The WM, W Bro Mark Rudstone (pictured between Eddie and Neil) thanked the duo for their lively presentation and donated the proceeds of the raffle at the Festive Board afterwards. Neil accepted the contribution to the Daggards coffers, eloquently thanking the Brethren for their generosity towards local charities at a time when so many charitable demands were being made on them from other quarters.

Friday 22nd May 2015:

It was a pleasure for W Bros Ean Blair and Eddie Wildman to perform at Trinity Lane Beverley, for the Ridings Tablers' Lodge 9586, who, after the brief opening and closing of the Lodge, invited visitors, including wives and friends, to hear Entertainment at the Festive Board. Ean was in fine voice, and the audience joined in enthusiastically with the choruses. As usual, a variety of head-gear characterised the different parts enacted by the performers. The Daggards would like to thank the Worshipful Master, who presented them with the proceeds of the raffle: this will be used in the support of local charitable works.

Thursday 21st May 2015:

The Chapter of St Michael 7833 enjoyed the Daggards' Chapter Experience with E Comps Terry Lynn and Eddie Wildman taking the roles (+ beards, noses and hats) of the many characters featured in this lively production, which the Representative of the M E Grand Superintendent, E Comp Ian Tissington, ProvGScN deemed "suberb." The introduction was given by E Comp Ean Blair. The Companions and visitors contributed very generously in support of the Daggards' charitable enterprises, and Terry thanked them for their kindness, assuring them that the money would be properly applied. Pictured at the festive board: Terry and Eddie behind Ian Tissington (Rep) and Charles Stride (MEZ.)

(Photograph by Comp Antonio Jose Ramirez Jiminez.)

Saturday 16th May 2015:

Although the Provincial Lecture of the Province of Yorkshire North and East Ridings 2015 is not officially a Daggards presentation, it was delivered in its untweaked, pre-official condition at the Technical Lodge 5666 by Provincial Lecturer Eddie Wildman on this occasion as the Candidate for the evening was unable to attend.

Wednesday 6th May 2015:

The Walter de Gant Preceptory 656 in Bridlington received the Provincial Prior, accompanied by the Provincial Sub Prior and the Immediate Past Provincial Sub Prior, Officers of Great Priory, Officers of the Year of Provincial Priory and the Body Guard for the Installation of E Kt Terence Cook as the Eminent Preceptor, after which ceremony Daggards Knights Craig Maurier, Mark Richardson and Eddie Wildman were invited to present Music used in Knights Templar, with Craig controlling the Power Point, Mark on trumpet and Eddie on keyboard. The assembled knights sang with gusto and applauded the performance which several of them remarked made "an interesting change from the usual." The Daggards are grateful for the kind donation which will be used in supporting local charities.

Wednesday 6th May 2015:

While the Knights Templar were watching a Daggards presentation in Bridlington, in Hull the Kingston Lodge 1010 was enjoying the inaugural performance of Riding the Goat -a light-hearted presentation by W Bro Neil Armstrong, a recent member of the Daggards team. His entertaining and enlightening examination of the symbolism of the goat and its application to Freemasonry engendered many positive comments from the members and visitors to Beverley Road that evening.

Tuesday 5th May 2015:

The inaugural performance of King Solomon's Temple and its Creators by E. Comps. Paul Harper, David Johnstone and Eddie Wildman was well received. "Congratulations must not only go to the team, but to the members of the Technical Chapter who took the parts of the principal characters," remarked E. Comp. John Bridges, Third Provincial Grand Principal. "It was lively, entertaining and informative." The generous proceeds from the performance of this presentation are to go to the Royal Samaritan Fund, for which this interactive lecture and Power Point Presentation was put together. Pictured L to R are the participants: E. Comps John Chapman (H), David Johnstone (Techie), Philip Daniels (Z), Eddie Wildman (Editor), Peter Chew (J) and Paul Harper (Creator) at the Festive Board, Beverley Road.

Photograph by E. Comp. Ean Blair.

Thursday 30th April 2015:

St Cuthbert's Lodge 630 in Howden was full to capacity for Craig Maurier and Philip Daniels' performance of The Wizard of Oz as Masonic Parable, the first occasion on which Craig and Philip have performed together. It was a splendid evening's entertainment, which the Chaplain, Tim Boyns remarked proved "As ever, a combination of information and humour which was appreciated as a means of a daily advancement in Masonic knowledge." Among the watching Brethren (there were so many, extra chairs had to be brought into the Lodge Room) were another five Daggards lending their support. Indeed, Eddie Wildman was asked to play the organ, and Des Ashton and Ean Blair sang along with Philip at the festive board songs. The food was splendid, and in addition to the meal there were Masonic buns on sale featuring characters from The Wizard of Oz. Dave Duffill, of De la Pole Lodge 1605 had asked his son Joe to make a cake in the shape of the Humber Lodge travelling gavel, which St Cuthbert's Lodge had managed to aquire for a short time. The Daggards are very grateful for the generous contribution from the Brethren towards local charities.

Photographs of Philip, WM Matthew Dalby and Craig, and the Travelling Gavel Cake from the Album of Des Ashton. Oz buns photograph by Craig Maurier.

Saturday 25th April 2015:

The Lodge of St Michael's traditional St. George's Night was held at Dagger Lane, Hull, and the entertainment, including the singing of Parry's Jerusalem and Elgar's Land of Hope and Glory was led by Daggards Malcolm Ladd and John Stead, accompanied by Eddie Wildman at the keyboard. Old war-time favourites and music hall numbers were sung, with the well-wined-and-dined guests joining in: Pack up your Troubles in your Old Kit Bag and It's a Long Way to Tipperary contesting for loudest sung items. Malcolm sang the verses in Rule Britannia while everyone joined in the chorus with much flag waving. 

Tuesday 14th April 2015:

The Humber Lodge 57 was graced by a number of wives and partners who joined the Brethren after the brief business meeting to watch W Bros David Terry and Eddie Wildman perform The Medieval Engineers. The part of Cedric was taken by the new Initiate, Brother Scott Mell, and he was presented with a Certificate of Excellence for his progress at the Festive Board afterwards. The Daggards are very grateful for the many plaudits received, and for the cash donation, which will be used for charitable work. W Bro Richard Smedley, another Humber Daggard, sang "Happy to Meet Again" to conclude the proceedings. Pictured L to R: Bro Mell, EA; W Bro Sharpless, WM; W Bros Terry and Wildman.

Photograph by W Bro Craig Maurier.

Friday 10th April 2015:

The Lodge Room for the Lodge of St Germain 566 in Selby is possibly the highest above ground level in the Province, yet despite the many steps, the place was satisfyingly full. W Bros Ean Blair and Eddie Wildman were flattered to be asked to perform for the WM's last working night before Installation, and The Medieval Engineers was well received by the Brethren of this thriving Lodge and their visitors. Pictured right to left: W Bro Ean Blair; W Bro Robin Cawthray (WM); Bro Neil Skinner, who performed the part of medieval engineer Cedric with a smile on his face throughout, and W Bro Eddie Wildman. The entertainment continued at the Festive Board, and the Daggards were delighted to accept the raffle takings as a donation towards local charities. Everybody applauded when Brother Cedric won the bottle of whisky: it was a most enjoyable evening!


Thursday 9th April 2015:

Saint Nicholas Lodge 2259 in Thorne in the Masonic Province of Yorkshire West Riding was very well attended for a performance of The Medieval Engineers by W Bros. Ean Blair and Eddie Wildman. The Brethren were in fine voice, joining in enthusiastically with the songs, and applauding John Brandon who "volunteered" to take on the role of Brother Cedric, the Candidate for the evening. One Brother remarked afterwards that the Daggards' reflections on the past gave everyone positive encouragement to keep moving forward, while another said that from entering the Lodge to leaving the building he'd found himself smiling. Good humour abounded. The Daggards were delighted at the generous donation from the Worshipful Master, W Bro Colin Middleton, which will be used in supporting local charities.

Photograph by Bro Steve Pickard.

Tuesday 7th April 2015:

Ancholme Royal Arch Chapter 1282 hosted a presentation of The Twelve Tribes & Banners by Comps. Craig Maurier and Richard Theaker at the Masonic Rooms, Cary Lane, Brigg, to a well filled Chapter. The Deputy Provincial Grand Superintendent was in attendance for this informative illustrated duologue: in response to the Visitors' Toast one Companian remarked that he had not only made an advancement in Masonic knowledge but was probably a year in credit!  The Daggards are grateful to Ancholme Chapter for their kind donation which will be directed towards local charities.

Thursday 19th March 2015:

The Humber Preceptory 223 saw the first performance of Music Used in Knights Templar with Brother Knight Craig Maurier and Eminent Knights Mark Richardson and Eddie Wildman inviting the Knights to sing along with the words on the screen. (Eddie on keyboard, Mark on trumpet, Craig in charge of the technology.) The visiting Representative of the Right Eminent Provincial Prior, E. Kt. Carl Massey, Past Great Aide-de-Camp, said it was a most enjoyable experience and despite not being a musician himself, had been fascinated to hear the history of the songs and hymns, many of which were familiar to him. Pictured L to R: Mark, Darryl Wedgner (Eminent Preceptor), Craig and Eddie.

Photograph by Sir Knight Richard Theaker.

Tuesday 3rd March 2015:


By invitation of the Eminent Commander, E. Kt Daniel H Betts, the Ancient York Conclave of Redemption hosted a Daggards performance of Knights Templar meets the Craft and Chapter in the Red Room at Dagger Lane with Sir Knight Rick Theaker and Eminent Knight Mark Richardson demonstrating to the assembled company of Knights and non-KT Masonic visitors what Knights Templar is about with characteristic Daggard joviality and humour. The Provincial Sub-Prior, E. Kt Timothy Grant Dillon was in attendance with E. Kt Keith W Marshall, the Provincial Deputy Marshall. The visiting Knights and guests of the encampment expressed their pleasure at this enlightening presentation, and afterwards at the festive board. It was noted that the newcomers were both young and keen: indeed, one visitor has already signed the necessary paperwork to begin the process of becoming a member.

Friday 20th February 2015:

It was an impressive gathering at the Masonic Hall in Grimsby: forty-seven visitors signed in, hosted by the Astral Lodge 3841 bringing the numbers up to over seventy for a Daggards performance of Writing the Minutes. The size of the audience was reflected in the munificent donation afforded to the Daggards quartet afterwards - we are pleased to be able to support local charities on both sides of the River Humber, and sincerely thank the Brethren for their generosity.  W Bros. Eddie, Craig and Terry played the eighteenth-century roles of long-suffering Secretary, Right Worshipful Master and Senior Warden, while W Bro Neil Armstrong provided the introduction, the on-screen flashbacks and the sound effects. Pictured at the back are W Bro. Richard Alec Garn, the Assistant Provincial Grand Master for Lincolnshire and the Worshipful Master of the Astral Lodge, Bro M Hood, graciously entering the spirit of the entertainment, while the Daggards line up (L to R) shows Terry Lynn, Eddie Wildman, Craig Maurier and Neil Armstrong. "A superb evening," remarked one of the Brethren afterwards, "we were both well informed and well entertained."

Wednesday 4th February 2015:

Kingston Lodge 1010 received the presentation The Wizard of Oz as Masonic Parable with gratifying words of acclaim. Amongst the eleven visitors were members of both mother and daughter lodges; Humber 57 and Old Hymerians 6885. Some had travelled from the West Riding: W Bro Michael Dufton, Master of the Nelson of the Nile Lodge 264, brought a delightful model of the principal characters to enhance the table at the festive board; his wife, Shirley Dufton, is the regional coordinator of NAME (National Association of Miniature Enthusiasts.) Craig and Eddie are grateful for the interest evinced, for the kind words and very generous donation from the Kingston Lodge which will, of course, be used in helping local charities.

Thursday 29th January 2015:

W Bro Craig Maurier gave a challenging presentation: The Acception that Proves the Rule at St Cuthbert's Lodge 630 at the Masonic Hall, Selby Road, Howden. His research into the records of the seventeenth century Lodge of Acception and explanation of  the search for the underlying meaning within the ritual in the light of the historical changes over time was well received: "We need more like that," one Brother remarked thoughtfully. "It makes you look at the ceremonies again, and discover more than you thought was there." The Daggards are very grateful for the generous donation which, as ever, will be dedicated to local charity work.



Saturday 24th January 2015:

Technical Lodge 5666 celebrated Burns' Night at Beverley Road, with Chieftan Christopher McBodsworth presiding. Chris recited Robert Service's The Haggis of Robert McPhee in his Toast to the Immortal Memory, which followed Piper Sean Stewart's Address to the Haggis and the poetic response delivered by James McSteele, and, of course, the magnificent meal by Master Chef Dave McEastburn.

The "Music and Merriment" began with Jimmie (Two Kilts) McKerr dramatically rendering Burns' A Man's a Man for A' That in an enviable vernacular and David McTurner impressed the hundred-strong audience with his fine high baritone in Loch Lomond, Donald Where's Your Troosers and Bring back my Bonnie to Me. Sarah McSteele played a stirring medley of Scottish folk dances on the violin, setting the audience's feet tapping and hands clapping, and Daggards John McChew, DC (Speed Bonnie Boat), Phil Meglass McDaniels, Whisky Master (The Haggis Song) and Richard McSmedley (Burns' Farewell to the Brethren) sang to the enthusiastic company. MD Eddie McWildman, whose excruciating puns and unexpected one-liners engendered appreciative groans and laughter, accompanied the vocal and instrumental contributions.

Sean the Piper was as magnificent as always, and Philip's descriptive insights into the splendid whiskies drunk that evening was masterly. It was a very happy gathering and it was only reluctantly that guests took their leave of each other after the singing of Auld Lang Syne.

Shiela, Sean, James & Dave   Chris Bodsworth Jimmy Kerr  David Turner  John Chew 


Sarah Steele  Philip Daniels  Richard Smedley  Eddie Wildman 

  (Photographs by Anthony James. See www.studio43.org.uk)

 "A night without the Daggards is like a night without alcohol." -JC.



Wednesday 7th January 2015:

"A most excellent evening, topped by a most educational and entertaining lecture -what a good start to the year!" remarked one of the visiting Lincolnshire Worshipful Masters in response to the toast to the visitors. Eddie and Craig gave their first Daggard presentation of 2015 at the Alexandra Lodge 985 in Long Sutton, in the south of the Province of Lincolnshire: a double act performance of Craig's The Wizard of Oz as Masonic Parable. Craig dilated learnedly on the theosophical themes underlying the story, illustrated with a fast moving Power Point presentation, while Eddie read excerpts from Baum's writings, pertinent journals and of course the children's novel, in a variety of accents.  The Worshipful Master Bro S J Wells thanked Craig and Eddie for their thespian demonstration and W Bro Richard Garn the Assistant Provincial Grand Master of Lincolnshire said he'd been delighted with the evening.

Wednesday 10th December 2014

W Bros David Terry and Eddie Wildman enjoyed the conviviality at the Isle of Axholme Lodge 1482 in Crowle in the Province of Lincolnshire. The Lodge was very well attended and in excellent voice for the Daggards' performance of The Medieval Engineers, and the good humoured friendliness of the Brethren continued at the festive board afterwards. W Bro Philip Coggon, Master of this award winning Lodge is pictured here with Eddie and Terry. The Daggards are grateful for the kind donation which will support local charities.

 Photograph by W Bo Jamie Moss.


Saturday 6th December 2014

Beverlonian Lodge 9084 celebrated its Christmas meeting by inviting the ladies and non-Masonic guests into the Lodge Room after the essential business was completed, where Humber Daggards Des Ashton, Richard Smedley and Eddie Wildman performed the ever popular Festive Board Entertainment after which everybody returned downstairs to enjoy a traditional Christmas meal. The assembled company was in good voice for the carols following the feasting, and Des sang Papageno's Aria from the Magic Flute. Richard followed with A Lift on the Way, a song about Masonic charity. The happy evening was enhanced for the Daggards by the presentation of a handsome cheque from the master, W Bro Michael Anthony Shannon, who mentioned some of the local causes already supported by the Daggards this Christmas. Pictured L to R: W Bro Richard J Smedley, ProvSGW; W Bro Desmond J Ashston, PPGStdB; W Bro Michael A Shannon, WM of the Beverlonian Lodge 9084; W Bro Christopher Bodsworth PAGStdB, WM of the Technical Lodge 5666; W Bro Peter Feszczak, WM of the Ionic Lodge 186 of the Grand Lodge of Western Australia; and Eddie R Wildman, PPJGW ProvOrg.

(Photograph by the Lodge Secretary, General Factotum W Bro Benjamin Rose PPGPurs.)



Monday 1st December 2014

Festive Board Entertainment was the subject of the Daggards presentation at the Humber Installed Masters Lodge 2494, and the light hearted mood continued from the Lodge Room, where the ladies had joined the Brethren, to the dining hall below. The Worshipful Master, W Bro Brian Baker PJGD and his wife were persuaded to join the Daggards in wearing some of the headgear used during the evening, whilst the Chaplain, W Bro Trevor Knight PPSGW looked on in amusement. Behind them, Eddie, Philip and Des echo the smiles. (Photograph by the SW, W Bro Gerald Gelder PJGD.)

Daggard member W Bro David Johnstone was prevailed upon to change his hairstyle as he collected for the raffle: the Daggards are very grateful for the generosity of all present who have contributed so generously to assist them in their Christmas charity donations. Another Daggard, W Bro John Chapman, joined the team for the singing of the final toast: Happy to Meet Again, and everyone joined in the choruses with gusto.


Thursday 27th November 2014

Eminent Knight Mark Richardson, Immediate Past Preceptor of the Humber Preceptory 223 and Brother Knight Craig Maurier of the same Preceptory, with Eminent Knight Danny Betts, Commander of the Ancient York Conclave of Redemption 'B' Time Immemorial, accompanied by his Registrar, Sir Knight Richard Theaker, all past or present members of the Provincial Bodyguard, journeyed to Thirsk to present the Daggard KT meets the Chapter at the Falcon Chapter 1416. Members of the Thirsk Craft Lodge also attended. Craig (pictured R) gave an eloquent Power Point presentation, constantly interrupted by Mark (pictured L) whose cheeky questions and awful jokes addressed some of the basic issues about Knights Templar, while Danny and Richard (pictured below) demonstrated the regalia and spoke on the Christian aspects of the Order and the essential Precepts. The MEZ. E Companion David Alderson PPGScN (pictured between Mark and Craig) thanked the Daggards for what was described by a visitor as "a brilliant night" and invited questions from those assembled, which were answered by the Daggards team. Sir Knight Richard Theaker was particularly happy as he took home a bottle of whisky from the raffle afterwards (note the big smile.)



Thursday 27th November 2014

The Lodge of St Michael 7833 was in fine voice in the choruses of the songs in the presentation Festive Board Entertainment. W Bros Terry Lynn and Eddie Wildman, both members of the Lodge, were happy to perform to the home team, as it were. Grand Lodge Officer W Bro Tony Hayes expressed his satisfaction at the pleasant evening, remarking that it was very different to the usual meetings, but none the less enjoyable for all that. Terry and Eddie were delighted to receive the proceeds of the raffle afterwards, which, as Christmas is approaching, will become part of a Daggards donation to the local Salvation Army to help the homeless. The photograph (L to R) shows W Bros Terry Lynn, Alan Allinson (WM) and Eddie Wildman.

Photograph by W Bro John Wheeldon, IPM.

See also the Lodge of St Michael Website.


Saturday 22nd November 2014

A highlight of the Daggards' year was at the Kingston Lodge Sesquicentennial Celebrations which featured the debut appearance of our latest member,  W Bro Neil Armstrong, who as a member of the Kingston Lodge, had organised the various events pertaining to the one hundred and fiftieth year which culminated in a Variety Hall presentation. The show was a sell-out; the dining hall was full. The pre-prandial drinks, generously supplied by W Bro Derek Broderick, were a welcome surprise as the guests arrived, as was the opportunity to meet Her Majesty Queen Victoria, who, in the company of her personal guard and equerry, graciously greeted those who presented themselves. Following the meal, W Bros Terry Lynn, Des Ashton and Philip Daniels encouraged the audience to join in the choruses of The Flying Trapeze, I Do Like to be Beside the Seaside and Daddy wouldn't Buy Me a Bow-wow, Guest Artist W Bro Barry Colin Hovell delighted the assembled company with his trumpet rendition of The Soldiers of the King and took on the role of tonsorial victim while Philip astonished his listeners with Rossini's Figaro from The Barber of Seville. Des, equipped with panpipes and bird cage, sang Papageno's aria from Mozart's Magic Flute. A dramatic rendition of At the Station Hotel outlined the events of the early meetings of the Kingston Lodge in that illustrious edifice, while Neil as the aged waiter stole the show with his arthritic walk and shaky manipulation of the wine bottle. Terry had the audience in stitches with What I Want is a Proper Cup of Coffee, All By Yourself in the Moonlight and Daisy Daisy, after which Her Royal Majesty Queen Victoria took the stage with her entourage and was pleased to be presented with the the Master of the Lodge, W Bro Paul Goldthorpe. She commanded him to kneel, and graciously conferred upon him a knighthhood, with the words "Carry on, Kingston," to a burst of camera flashes and thunderous applause.

The Daggards would like to thank everyone who was there for their superlative plaudits, and the Kingston Lodge 1010 for the very generous donation towards local charities.



 Photographic montage by David Stephenson.

Other photographs by Ian Syddall.








Friday 14th November 2014

De la Pole Lodge 1605 called off for a brief but poignant Act of Remembrance at one time performed on a regular basis, whereat the Brethren who had given their lives in the service of the country during the Great War 1914-18 were named. Solemn organ music was played, the Last Post was sounded and the Brethren stood in silent respect until the Reveille marked the close of the proceedings. Daggards Mark Richardson and Eddie Wildman provided the music; they had also played at Selby Abbey the previous Saturday for the Knights Templar Provincial Service. Pictured left to right are W. Bro Sam Judah, Assistant Provincial Grand Master; W Bro Eddie Wildman, Provincial Organist; W Bro David Henry Atkin, Master; and Bro Mark Richardson, ADC of the Minerva Lodge 250, who played the trumpet.



Thursday 6th November 2014

The Ladies and non-Masonic guests were invited to the Humber Chapter 57 for a presentation of Festive Board Entertainment by Eddie Wildman and Terry Lynn. Their fast changes of accent, along with the appropriate hats, the repartee and variety of musical items were well appreciated by the audience, and E. Companions David Terry and Terry Lynn provided encores following the meal, with The Visitors' Song and the ever popular Happy to Meet Again. Eddie and Terry are at the back of the line-up which shows E. Comps. Stephen Charles Hastings (H), Barrie Reginald Jeffery (MEZ) and David Malcolm Terry with two of the ladies.The Daggards are very grateful for the kind donation which will be used to support local charities.



Friday 24th October 2014:

Generously sponsored by the Regular Grand Lodge of Italy, Eddie Wildman and our two overseas Daggards, Victor Fernandez and Brent Allcock were pleased to provide the entertainment at the Welcome Reception & Fellowship with The Singing Masons, Past & Present in the Waterview Room within the Gardens by the Bay, Singapore, to an audience of Brethren and their ladies from as far afield as India, Australia, the Philippines, Italy, Malaysia, Thailand, England, Ireland and Scotland.  The event opened the 2014 Annual Communication District Grand Lodge of the Middle East, which this year took place at the Marina Bay Sands Convention Centre in Singapore, under the Grand Lodge of Antient, Free and Accepted Masons of Scotland. The MW Grand Master, Brother Charles Wolrige Gordon of Esselmont was in attendance, as were Brethren from Lodges of sister Constitutions. A selections of arias from Grand Opera and numbers by composers as diverse as Fats Waller, Samuel Wesley and Gilbert and Sullivan demonstated the diversity of styles and subjects used by Freemasons in music. In particular Brent's performance of the Masonic Flower Song to the ladies and Victor's delivery of By the Mystic Regulation  received enthusiastic applause, and the Brethren and their Ladies were fulsome in their congratulations when the convivial welcome gathering concluded. The Daggards trio performed again at the sumptious banquet in the Marina Bay Sands Convention Centre the following evening: the DC demanded an encore as everybody was joining in the choruses. The Chairman, Bro Wing Kong Yip thanked the Daggards and Bro Rinaldo Romani of the Regular Grand Lodge of Italy for facilitating the event: "It was very enjoyable and certainly an outstanding and probably the most memorable aspect of our Annual Communication."


 Tuesday 14th October 2014:

Zetland Lodge 603 in Heckmondwike welcomed visitors from as far afield as Vale Royal Lodge 4775 in Cheshire to see W. Bros.Terry Lynn and Eddie Wildman perform Festive Board Entertainment. The positive feedback ("Your unique and extremely enjoyable blend of talent, skill, wit and repartee") was very gratifying. Pictured left to right: Terry Lynn, David Northing (WM), David Bachelor (Secretary) and Eddie Wildman.



Wednesday 1st October 2014:

Rastrick Lodge 4885 in Brighouse, Yorkshire West Riding, gave W. Bros. Craig Maurier, Des Ashton and Eddie Wildman with techie Ean Blair a very warm welcome. There were plenty of visitors, and all pronounced the Daggards performance of Writing the Minutes a success, though it was a debut performance for both Ean and Des.The WM, W. Bro. Kenneth Hill and several other Brethren joined in the spirit of the occasion for the group photograph, and the good humour continued at the festive board, during which Ean and Des sang for their supper. The Daggards are very grateful to W. Bro. Hill and his Lodge for their hospitality, and for the very generous donation.


 Thursday 4th September 2014:

Eminent Knight Mark Richardson (EP of the Humber Preceptory 223) and Sir Knight Richard Theaker (Registrar of the Ancient York Conclave of Redemption 'B' Time Immemorial) gave their debut duet Shields and Swords to the Knight Templars at Anchor Preceptory 403 in Friargate Street, Northallerton; "a most enlightening, educational and entertaining performance." The Daggards are grateful to the Anchor Preceptory not only for their kind words, but for their generosity, which will be used in supporting local charities. Pictured left to right: Richard Theaker, Robert Beaver, E.P. and Mark Richardson.





Friday 15th August 2014:

St Cuthbert's meeting room was very well attended not only by the Second Provincial Grand Principal, E. Comp Nigel Jollyon Smith accompanied by his team of Provincial Officers on their final offical Provincial Chapter meeting of the year, but by a number of Craft Masons not yet members of the Chapter. The Chapter meeting closed, the banners and artifacts were struck with military efficiency, the non-Chapter visitors were invited in and Excellent Companion Craig Maurier delivered the introduction while Daggards Des Ashton (one of the Principals in the St Cuthbert's Chapter 630) and Eddie Wildman swiftly changed into their Craft regalia to begin The Chapter Experience for a very appreciative audience. The songs were spontaneously applauded and the terrible puns rewarded with appreciative groans, while the essential elements of what the Chapter is about were explained. This was Des's debut perfomance of The Chapter Experience with its many changes of costumes, characters and voices. He and Eddie are very grateful for the positive feedback from everybody there, and for the donation which will be used to support local charities. Pictured here joining in with the light-hearted spirit of the evening: E Comps Desmond J Ashton, J; Philip N Joyner, H; Stephen G Hunt PPAstGDC, MEZ and Eddie Wildman, PPGScN.


Thursday 3rd July 2014:

W Bro Craig Maurier delivered his iconic lecture The Wizard of Oz as Masonic Parable to the Hull Old Grammarians' Chapter 5129 at Dagger Lane, Hull. His learned dissertation outlining the parallels between Frank Baum's classic children's story and the changes made in the film version with the ritual in the Craft Degrees, along with the theosophical speculations of the author was well received by the Chapter. Several of the visitors, who had attended specifically to hear Craig's presentation, remarked that it was good to hear the deeper meanings of Freemasonry discussed so eloquently.The MEZ, E. Comp. Iain Blair, (pictured left) thanked Craig for fitting the Old Schools' Chapter into his busy Masonic schedule.



Thursday 3rd July 2014:

While W Bro Craig Maurier was representing the Daggards in Hull, W Bro David Terry impressed the ladies (and the Brethren) with his singing at the Constitutional Lodge 294 while W Bro Eddie Wildman accompanied on the keyboard. The short Lodge meeting was followed by a performance of The Medieval Engineers, to which the ladies were invited. Bro Danny Longley was volunteered to be Cedric, the long-suffering medieval apprentice, which he performed with gusto and good humour. The Brethren joined in the choruses of the songs and filled the Lodge Room at Trinity Lane Beverley with sound. The Daggards would like to thank all present for their generous contributions. Pictured left to right: David Terry, Dan Longley, Iain Buckley (WM) and Eddie Wildman. 


Thursday 5th June 2014:

The Lodge of Fidelity 289 meets at Castle Grove, Headingly, Leeds, a sumptuous setting for Writing the Minutes which on this occasion sported two new faces: W Bro John Wheeldon (who with judicious make-up appeared as the ancient Senior Warden, and W Bro Neil Armstrong who made his first Daggard appearance as the team techie, providing the on-screen flashbacks and sound effects with enviable expertise. The Brethren expressed their approbation with acclamation. The Daggards thank the Worshipful Master, W Bro Sims and his Brethren for their generous contributions which will be used to support local charities. Here pictured left to right are Craig Maurier (Daggard WM,) Bro Alex Webster (Fidelity Inner Guard,) W Bro Matthew Sims, (Fidelity WM) W Bro Neil Armstrong (Daggard Techie) W Bro Eddie Wildman (Daggard Secretary) and W Bro John Wheeldon (Daggard Senior Warden) relaxing after the performance.


Thursday 8th May 2014:

Thesaurus Lodge 3891 enjoyed a plethora of visitors, many of whom were relatively new Freemasons, keen to hear the meaning of the ritual questions in the Daggards' presentation of I know the Answers, but what do the Questions mean? On this occasion, W Bros Maurier and Wildman performed the light-hearted explanation, and the Wardens proposed a vote of thanks afterwards. The Junior Warden, Bro Rob McKenna eloquently concluded "the questions and answers we've all learnt parrot fashion have gained in meaning now we know the detail behind them." The WM, W Bro James Moore, pictured here between Eddie and Craig gave a generous donation to the Daggards at the festive board, which was gratefully received.

Friday 2nd May 2014:

Worshipful Brother John Wheeldon made his debut as Junior Warden in the Ancient Ceremony in the far north of the province when the 1765 Initiation ceremony was worked for the Roseberry Lodge of Installed Masters 8571 at Redcar. There was some rearrangement of roles for this performance: W. Bro. David Whittall took the part of the Senior Warden and W. Bro. Ean Blair merged the part of the Senior Deacon with that of the Proposer. The performance was well received both in the Lodge Room and at the Festive Board: W. Bro. David Johnstone giving the toast to the Absent Brethren, W. Bro. Eddie Wildman leading the singing in the "Teamwork Song" and W. Bro Des Ashton singing the Parting Toast. Also present were W. Bros Craig Maurier, John Stead, Steve Longthorpe and Walrus Paling, with Bro. Rick Theaker who delivered the eighteenth century charge with aplomb. The Daggards thank the members of Roseberry Lodge of Installed Masters for their kind words and generous donation.




Saturday 26th April 2014:

The Saint George's Night celebrations at the Masonic Hall, Beverley Road, Hull saw a large and enthusiastic audience -especially when it came to the flag waving in the finale of the Daggards' singalong. W. Bros Malcolm Ladd, Des Ashton and Terry Lynn led the way in the old favourites: "Run, Rabbit, Run", "We're Gonna Hang out the Washing on the Siegfried LIne" and "There'll Always Be an England." The proceeds on this occasion went to the British Legion. This was a very well supported event: W. Bro. John Wheeldon's final social function during his year as Master of the Lodge of St. Michael 7833.


Wednesday 2nd April 2014:

The Humber Daggards (W Bros Richard Smedley, David Terry, Des Ashton and Eddie Wildman are all members of Humber Lodge 57) enjoyed a convivial evening performing at the St John's Lodge 1736 in Blackwell, Halifax, in the Province of Yorkshire West Riding. Festive Board Entertainment was the theme of their presentation which indeed continued after the ceremony, during the meal and into the toasts. The Lodge Room upstairs was filled almost to capacity - the WM, W Bro D Bowen remarked that it was gratifying to see such numbers which normally met only at Installations.The assembled Brethren made a splendid sound joining in the choruses. It was particularly rewarding when a ninety-four year old Mason, in the forty-fourth year of the Craft, said it was one of the best nights he's experienced in Freemasonry. People left with smiles on their faces and a song on their lips. The Daggards were delighted to receive a handsome donation, which will, of course, go towards local charities. Pictured: W Bros Ashton, Terry, Bowen, Smedley and Wildman.


Friday 28th March 2014:

W Bros John Wheeldon and Eddie Wildman performed The Medieval Engineers at the regular meeting of the Ridings Tablers' Lodge 9586 in Beverley, and Bro Connor Ferguson was volunteered to take the part of young Cedric, which he carried off with aplomb. The Daggards Treasurer was also present, and was delighted to receive a handsome cheque from the Ridings Tablers' Lodge following the performance.


Thursday 27th March 2014:

The Daggards are pleased to welcome another member into their midst: W. Bro. Danny Betts made his debut appearance as a fearsome Knight Templar in the new presentation KT Meets the Craft at the Lodge of St Michael 7833. The Provincial Prior, head of the Order for Yorkshire, North & East Ridings, was present, which was added pressure for Sir Knight Danny, who nonetheless aquitted himself admirably. Craig Maurier and Mark Richardson fenced verbally as the Power Point Presentation unfolded, while Danny and Eddie Wildman demonstrated aspects of Templar regalia. The watching Brethren groaned appreciatively at Mark's terrible jokes and everyone agreed that it had been an entertaining and enlightening evening. Pictured here (left to right) are Craig, Mark, WM John Wheeldon, Eddie and Danny.


Friday 21st March 2014:

Astral Lodge 3841 in the Masonic Province of Lincolnshire hosted a Daggards performance of The Medieval Engineers showing the links between the medieval stonemasons and the Craft today. The meeting was very well attended: seventy Brethren sat at the festive board afterwards and the Worshipful Master, Keith Appleton, presented W Bros Wheeldon and Wildman with a generous cheque -the takings from the raffle that evening to be used by the Daggards in supporting local charities. Brother Neil Suiter, a visitor from the Lodge of Established Order 9822, thanked all the Brethren for signing his certificate as Cedric, a role he performed admirably during the presentation. Here pictured are Bros Wheeldon, Suiter, Appleton and Wildman following the performance.


Tuesday 11th March 2014:

Humber Lodge 57 enjoyed a convivial evening with the ladies and gentlemen who were not (yet) Freemasons. While the Lodge opened for the necessary business and had a short meeting, W Bro Eddie Wildman entertained the non-Masonic visitors with a Masonic "Treasure Hunt" -What to spot in a Freemasons' Lodge pointing out some of the things common to all Lodges and some of the features unique to the Lodge Room at Dagger Lane. Armed with pencils and sheets to tick off the various items, the visitors entered the Lodge Room at the close of the formal business and were regaled by Daggards David Terry, Des Ashton, Ean Blair and Eddie Wildman in Festive Board Entertainment which indeed continued after the meal. The Humber Brethren joined in the choruses with musical enthusiasm. The W Bro in the Chair, Des Ashton, thanked everybody for helping to make the evening such a pleasant occasion, and the visitors were congratulated on having succeeded in the Treasure Hunt -beyond all expectations.


Thursday 6th March 2014:

Constitutional Lodge 294 in Beverley was well attended by visitors for the performance of I know the Answers, but what do the Questions mean? by W Bros John Wheeldon and Eddie Wildman. The Wardens gave a vote of thanks saying that they had not only learnt much, but enjoyed the process. The Master, Worshipful Brother Iain Fraser Buckley, here pictured between Eddie and John, reiterated these sentiments at the festive board and generously donated the proceeds of the evening's raffle to the Daggards to use in supporting local charities. It was pleasing that visiting Brethren from neighbouring Provinces expressed an interest in booking the Daggards for later in the year.


Thursday 6th February 2014:

The Lodge of Fidelity 289 in the City of Leeds, West Yorkshire, heard an illustrated talk by Daggard W Bro Craig Maurier of the St Peter Lodge 7468 entitled "The Masonic Origins of Pinocchio". Craig dilated on the moral implications and allegorical applications found in Carlo Collodi's serialised tale of the rascally character who underwent dangers and difficulties in the process of transforming from a wooden puppet to a real boy, relating them to aspects of the Masonic journey undertaken from Apprenticeship to Mastership. The Worshipful Master, W. Bro. Matthew C. Sims, pictured with Craig in the beautiful Lodge Room at Castle Grove Headingly, thanked Craig on behalf of all present for his thought provoking dissertation. Further plaudits followed at the Festive Board, and the Master contributed the raffle takings to the Daggards' charitable work.


Saturday 25th January 2014:

Daggards Eddie Wildman, Richard Smedley, John Chapman and Philip Daniels were joined by David Turner at the Burns Night celebrations hosted by the Technical Lodge 5666 at Beverley Road Masonic Hall, Hull, singing to an appreciative audience of over a hundred. The considerable amount raised at that event will go to the charitites selected by the Technical Lodge, and the Daggards are happy to support this worthy enterprise.

Thursday 23rd January 2014:

Moving Our Landmarks was the title of the interactive screen presentation by W. Bros. Craig Maurier and Eddie Wildman (pictured with the WM, W. Bro John Wheeldon) at the Lodge of St. Michael 7833. The Brethren listened attentively, some nodding appreciatively when the Lodge's move from Sutton to Hull's Old Town was mentioned, and the comparisons between Freemasonry today and as illustrated by Hogarth's eighteenth century Night etching. "We have made more than one advancement in Masonic knowledge," one Brother kindly remarked afterwards. The WM thanked W. Bros. Wildman and Maurier for presenting such a thought provoking script.

Photograph by Des Ashton.

Friday 10th January 2014:

The Worshipful Master of the de la Pole Lodge 1605 is proud of his Scottish ancestry, and his kilt lends a note of colour in the Lodge Room. As this is the month for Burns Nights (and he is addressing the Haggis himself at the Technical Lodge Burns Night celebration on the 25th) he asked Eddie Wildman, who had travelled with a number of the de la Pole Brethren to Lodge Burns Dundonald 1759 (Ayrshire) in September, to give an account of the journey and the Lodge meeting there. W. Bro. Wildman was pleased to oblige, and assisted by the innovative power point enhancement from Bro. Jeff Adamson, gave a presentation which, one Brother remarked, "was a laugh a minute as well as informative. But you didn't have to tell them about my spindly legs." A most enjoyable evening.


Thursday 19th December 2013:

The last Daggards performance of the year was at Dagger Lane, following the Christmas meeting of the Lodge of St Michael 7833. The event was well attended: this Lodge enjoys excellent support from the wives and friends of the Brethren. By popular request, John Wheeldon's Christmas Day with the Mason Family was brought out from the Daggards' archives, and performed by John Wheeldon, Terry Lynn, Eddie Wildman and Richard Theaker. The audience joined in enthusiastically with the choruses when Granny Trump (JW) sang "Keep the Home Fires Burning" and Elvis (TL) on the 1955 television gave an impeccable rendition of "Love Me Tender". Father (EW) in his knitted pullover, accompanied as usual.

 Mother (RT) gave her (his) debut performance of "Wouldn't it be Lovely" wishing for the advantages of a Fridgedaire and linoleum floors, and everybody joined in with "White Christmas." The evening continued thereafter with traditional carol singing led by the operatic Daggard Malcolm Ladd, who organised the merry revellers in "The Twelve Days of Christmas" as a hearty Lodge of St Michael finale. The Daggards would like to thank all who attended that evening for being such a wonderful audience.

John, Terry, Eddie & Richard

 Photographs from the gallery by Des Ashton 


Tuesday 17th December 2013:

Worshipful Brother Terry Lynn stole the show at Hull Grammarians' Lodge 5129 as the vocalist in Festive Board Entertainment performing to members and their wives, and a number of visiting Daggards in the  ornate old Lodge Room at Dagger Lane. Despite his recent near-fatal illness,Terry is on the road to a full recovery, with his voice as rich as ever and his sense of humour undiminished. Terry and Eddie are pictured on the right with the Worshipful Master, Max Gold. The Grammarians generously donated their raffle proceeds to the Daggards to be used for local charities following the extra entertainment downstairs.

Photographs: Des Ashton.


Saturday 7th December 2013:

W. Bro. Ben Rose was the Master in Charge of Beverlonian Lodge 9084 for the Christmas meeting at Trinity Lane where W. Bros. Des Ashton, Richard Smedley, John Wheeldon and Eddie Wildman gave a presentation of Festive Board Entertainment in the Lodge Room, and carols and other Christmas music following the traditional meal in the wood-panelled dining room afterwards. Richard Smedley's solo A Lift on the Way was new to many of the Brethren, and the canonic setting of the Tablers' Grace particularly impressed one of the Grand Lodge Officers, who asked if the Daggards might be prepared to repeat their presentation elsewhere later in the year. The Twelve Days of Christmas was rendered with great enthusiasm. A convivial evening, well enjoyed by all. The team are pictured here with the Wardens, W. Bros Anthony Burke and Garrick Gorford, with the Master in the Chair a Rose between two thorns.

(Photograph from the Ashton Gallery.)  


 Thursday 28th November 2013:

The Brethren and visitors were very appreciative at the Lodge of St Michael 7833 when the WM, W Bro John Wheeldon and W Bro Eddie Wildman gave the half-hour presentation I know the answers, but what do the questions mean? The Lodge was well attended, with visitors from Temple Bellwood 8073 in Lincolnshire and Sykes Lodge 1040 in Driffield in addition to the Wilberforce 2134 visitors from Beverley. Grand Lodge OfficerTony Hayes said it was "a fascinating discourse -long may it reign," and Provincial Grand Lodge Officer W Bro David Whittall remarked that it was "delivered with panache and elan." At the festive board afterwords a surprising number of Brethren told the performers that it had been "stimulating to learn so much about things we normally take for granted." Thank you all for your kind words.


Wednesday 16th October 2013:

Kingston Chapter 1010 invited their ladies and non-Masonic guests following a brief meeting. E. Comp. Barry Hovell (Z) gavean interesting lecture on Robert Burns, illustrating his phrenology and giving medical insights into the Scottish Bard. The Scottish theme was echoed downstairs: Caroline Blair piped in the guests, andaccompanied her husband Ean on the keyboard as they performed some of their Hayriders Ceilidh Scottish repertoire between courses of the (Scottish) meal. They joined John Wheeldon, Philip Daniels and Eddie WIldman in the finale performance of The Life of Burns -a typically off-beat Daggards rendition, a dozen fast-changing character parts between them. The audience joined in the choruses with enthusiasm and acclamation.



     E Wildman; P Daniels; B Hovell; J Wheeldon; E Blair; C Blair.

     (Group photograph by Tony Burke.)

 Tuesday 17th September 2013:

The Worshipful Master of the Hull Old Grammarians' Lodge 5129 relinquished the Chair in order to join the Daggards in a performance of The Antient Ceremony -a first degree working of 1765 delivered in period costume at Dagger Lane, where the Daggards made their debut twenty years ago. The Lodge room was full: there were over eighty people there from at least four provinces. "It was seventy-five minutes of sheer entertainment," one Brother said afterwards. "When the Admiral drew his sword on the Tyler, I thought he was going to kill him! And the singing at the Festive Board -I never expected anything like that!"

The new boy on the block, Bro. Richard Theaker, delivered the charge with tremendous authority: the audience held its collective breath as he thundered through the admonition against improper behaviour. The HOG IPM told everyone that Craig Maurier had stood in as Right Worshipful Master at short notice -which came as a surprise -no one there could have guessed this was his first time in the role.

Emails afterwards were highly complimentary: "A superb evening -the festive board packed to the rafters"; "I am on a high after tonight -well done to you and your team -it will remain one of the highlights of my Masonic life"; "A triumph. PS, can I be an extra?" W. Bro. Ean Blair, who returned to the WM's chair afterwards, said it was one of the most enjoyable events during his Mastership as he presented the Daggards with a generous cheque.

The team comprised: WM, Craig Maurier; SW, Colin Woods; JW, Paul Ralph; Sec, Eddie Wildman; SD, David Whittall; JD, Des Ashton; PM1, David Johnstone; PM2, Richard Theaker; Tyler, Steve Longthorpe; Proposer, Ean Blair; Candidate, Les Paling; Visitor, John Stead.

Photographs by W. Bro Des Ashton.


Saturday 17th August 2013:

The Technical Lodge 5666 enjoyed a light hearted performance ofFestive Board Entertainment by W. Bros Philip Daniels and Eddie Wildman. This is one of the most musical Lodges in theProvince, and Philip encouraged some of the other voices present to stand and sing along, including W. Bros John Chapman and John Chew, and Bros David Turner, Adrian Rawnsley and Tony James. The Worshipful Master, W. Bro Paul Hillary, here pictured between Eddie and Philip, ably sang the words "This toast must be the last" in a melifluous baritone during the finalnumber. It was a most convivial evening, and the Daggards take the opportunity of expressing their grateful thanks to the Brethren of the Technical Lodge for the generous donation, which will be used in supporting local charities.


Thursday 4th July 2013:

It was a delight to visit the sumptuous premises of the Lodge of Fidelity 289 at Castle Grove, Headingly, Leeds, where W. Bro Craig Maurier delivered his illustrated presentation The Wizard of Oz as Masonic Parable. The WM, Worshipful Brother K D McInnes, warmly complimented Craig's research and delivery, stating that he would look at Judy Garland in a different light from now on. At the festive board theBrethren commented on the clarity of the explanations and enlightening nature of the talk. The meal was excellent and the conviviality of the assembled Brethren contributed to an excellent evening in Yorkshire West Riding.


Tuesday 2nd July 2013:

Immediately after the close of the Chapter the Technical Companions and the visitors moved to the east to enjoy a better view of Terry and Eddie in The Chapter Experience.The presentation was well received: the fourteen characters in the production and the various songs applauded. MEZ Frank Lovely (pictured between Companions Terry and Eddie) donated a generous cheque on behalf of the Technical Chapter 5666, and E. Comp Lynn thanked everybody, explaining that the Daggards supportlocal charities and the donation would be put to good use. (Photograph: Comp. Paul Hillary.)



Monday 17th June 2013:

Worshipful Brother Anthony William Townhill, (pictured centre) Worshipful Master of the Holderness Lodge 3563, presented a cheque to W. Bros Ean Blair and Eddie Wildman thanking them for "a very pleasant evening". It had indeed been a pleasure to deliver Brother Organist, we will sing the Opening Ode in the intimacy of the small Lodge Room at Beverley Road, with the Brethren and visitors joining in, and, of course to enjoy the excellent food afterwards. The Holderness Lodge is well known for its charity work, and Ean assured the Master and Brethren that their donation was thankfully received and would be properly applied.



Friday 24th May 2013:

Terry and Eddie, here pictured with W. Bro. Neill Smith, Worshipful Master of the Rokeby Lodge 6301, travelled to Halifax to deliver The Chapter Experience to a select and appreciative audience. The Lodge Room being quite cosy, the Daggards interpretation of what the Chapter is all about was given in the dining hall before the meal. It was interesting to note that notall the Brethren there were Chapter Masons, and even some of those who were remarked that the dramatic presentation opened new insights. Terry and Eddie extended grateful thanks for the handsome donation from this small but very friendly Lodge before returning, replete, to the East Riding of Yorkshire.


Saturday 11th May 2013:

The Lodge of Friendship 750 hosted the Fifteenth Annual Gathering of the Lodges of Friendship at the Masonic Hall, Cleckheaton, whereat a colourful collection of Friendship Freemasons from different parts of the country convened -some in kilts, some in evening dress and one in Chelsea Pensioner uniform. W. Bros Eddie Wildman and Ean Blair (here pictured with the WM, Worshipful Brother D. P Long) performed The Medieval Engineers, the Brethren joining in the songs melodiously and enthusiastically. The Junior Deacon, Bro Kieran Hall, took on the role of Cedric and was loudly applauded by the Brethren at the festive board when he received his Medieval Engineering Certificate. The Brethren were most appreciative and the Daggards thank the Lodge of Friendship 750 for the generous donation.


Saturday 11th May 2013:

A team from the Daggards was pleased to illustratein dramatic form some features of the Masonic Samaritan Fund at the Annual Meeting of The Provincial Grand Lodge of Yorkshire North and East Ridings. Following an address by Richard Douglas, Chief Executive of the MSF, the Daggards entered, led by John Wheeldon representing the organisation in its entirety. The themes of Medical Aid (Ean Blair), Dentistry (Terry Lynn), Research (Richard Smedley), Respite Care (Richard Theaker) and Mobility (Peter Spencer) were presented in a fast moving sequence to form a tableau while members of the De la Pole Lodge 1605 and Grand Lodge Officer David Burnett presented "foundation stones" to David Marsh, the Festival Chairman. The De la Pole Brethren represented Freemasons from Initiate up to the rank of Provincial Officer in the persons of Gordon Slater, Chris Lefevre, Ian Fuller, David Duffill and Jim Kerr, Principal Mentor of 1605. The PGM then turned the stones to reveal the pre-launch sum already accrued. (Photographs: Des Ashton, Chris Thomas.)





Festival Website 

Wednesday 8th May 2013:

Mark Richardson and Eddie Wildman performed The Twelve Tribes and Banners to a most erudite and attentive audience comprising the President and councillors at the AGM of the Bradford & District Royal Arch Council at Spring Bank Place, Bradford, following an excellent fish and chip meal. The then president, Alan Abbott, pictured between Eddie and Mark, eloquently thanked the Daggards for their presentation and presented a handsome donation, collected from the worthy gathering, to be used for local charities. A most pleasant evening: we trust the AGM following the performance was as much fun!



Wednesday 1st May 2013:

The on-screen images and accompanying sound effects while Eddie, Craig and Terry (pictured at the Festive Board with W. Bro. Neil Armstrong, Worshipful Master) enhanced the costumed presentation Writing the Minutes. Kingston Lodge 1010 was well supported for the event, including visitors from Bridlington who were, they said, well impressed and happily entertained. The Daggards would like to thank the Brethren for their generous donation in support of local charities.


 Friday 12th April 2013:

Craig Maurier and Eddie Wildman were pleased to deliver I know the answers, but what do the questions mean? to the Brethren of the De la Pole Lodge 1605 at Beverley Road. The presentation was well received: the Worshipful Master, W. Bro. John Dennis Todd pronounced it "Excellent, very informative and entertaining" while W. Bro. John Bridges, who responded on behalf of the visitors, said "Even as a more senior Freemason, I learnt things." The Daggards would like to thank the De la Pole Brethren for their hospitality and generosity. 






Wednesday 27th March 2013:

A sudden attack of illness made the Daggards two man delivery ofThe Twelve Tribes and Banners at the Thesaurus Chapter impossible, and the same virus had apparently swept through the ranks of the Companions, so it was to a small but select gathering that Eddie Wildman gave his brief lecture on The Closing Hymn. Those present, however, joined in the singing enthusiastically, led by the dulcet tones of E. Comp. Roger Lewis, First Principal of the Constitutional Chapter 294. The Thesaurus Zerubbabel, E. Comp. Stuart Gamble, pronounced the presentation "inspirational".


 Tuesday 12th March 2013:

As at the last minute the Second Degree Candidate was unable to attend, Humber Lodge 57 asked the Lodge Organist if he could supply the Brethren with a brief lecture. Having one in his case, with sufficient hymn sheets to distribute to everyone, W Bro. Eddie Wildman gave an early Daggards talk about the different Closing Odes -words and music -used in the Province of Yorkshire North and East Ridings, while W Bro Richard Babington PPGSwdB (Derbyshire) who also plays the organ, provided the musical examples. The Brethren sang along melodiously. The Representative of the RWProvGM, W Bro Denis Stubley ProvSGW kindly complimented the double act, saying it was the best Masonic lecture he'd ever heard.


Wednesday 20th February 2013:

Minerva Chapter 250 enjoyed a visit from the Deputy Grand Superintendent and members of the Provincial Team and during the meeting Companions Craig Maurier and Richard Theaker gave the Twelve Tribes and Banners presentation, the Chapter calling off and moving to Dagger Lane's Red Room for that purpose. The illustrated lecture was warmly appreciated: E. Comp. Paul Harper, Third Provincial Grand Principal PAGDC, Education and Training Officer for both Craft and Chapter, remarked that it was "entertaining, educational and compellingly interesting: the perfect way to make an advancement in Masonic knowledge." The Deputy Provincial Grand Superintendent, John Ridgill Trout (pictured between Richard and Craig) announced it was "an impressive presentation". The Daggards are very grateful to all present who contributed generously to their charitable work. 



 Tuesday 19th February 2013:

Mark Richardson and Craig Maurier again performed the celebratedTwelve Tribes and Banners, this time at the Masonic Hall, Beverley Road, for a small but erudite gathering of the Technical Chapter 5666. "An impressive variety of voices," remarked one of the visitors, surprised as the different characters manifested. "You had to look twice to be sure it wasn't somebody else speaking." The Daggards would like to thank the  Technical Chapter for its generous donation which will go to local charities.








Saturday 26th January 2013:

The traditional Burns' Night hosted by the Technical Lodge 5666 at Beverley Road, Hull, had, in addition to the piper, the haggis and the whisky tasting, a Daggards performance of the story of the Scottish Bard, starring John Chapman, Philip Daniels, Terry Lynn, John Wheeldon and Eddie Wildman. The dining hall was full to capacity for the presentation, and the feedback included comments such as "You should be doing the Edinburgh Festival" and "Superb! You're all nutters!" 


Thursday 17th January 2013:

Brother Knights Mark Richardson and CraigMaurier entertained at the Humber Priory 223 with a fast-moving duologue entitled The Malta Connection. Mark's cornet playing and Craig's lap-top manipulation were an integral part of the presentation and the watching Brother Knights showed their appreciation with a handsome donation.




Tuesday 8th January 2013:

Mark Richardson made his Daggards Chapter debut in The Twelve Tribes and Banners, performing alongside Craig Maurier at the Saint Matthew Chapter 1447 at the Masonic Hall, Barton-on-Humber in Lincolnshire. Their presentation was very well received by all present; one visitor remarking "It was very theatrically entertaining -we don't get enough of that in the Chapter." The Daggards would like to express their thanks to all present for their very generous donation, which will, of course, be redirected to local charities. 


Tuesday 8th January 2013:

Also on this date Humber Lodge 57 asked if the Daggards could assist when the Candidate for the evening was unavoidably prevented from attending and Terry and Eddie were pleased to put on a performance of The Medieval Engineers. The "volunteer" Cedric, Bro Michael Coates, was, some of the Brethren observed, the real star of the show. "It is good to do something so completely different -an excellent night," remarked one of the visitors. "Everybody joined in the singing so enthusiastically."

Saturday 3rd November 2012:

Daggards Eddie Wildman andPeter Spencer were pleased to perform at Holderness Lodge's Centenary Celebrations, supporting Spurn Point Lifeboat. In addition to Peter's leading the singalong, a highlight of the evening was Emily Blackledge, whose rendition of popular violin favourites was enthusiastically applauded by all. (Should you be interested in booking Emily for performance, please contact Eddie for details.)




Wednesday 24th October 2012:

Alexandra Chapter 1511 in Hornsea enjoyed aperformance of The Twelve Tribes & Bannersby our two Lincolnshire Daggards, Craig Maurier and Richard Theaker: "They were absolutely spot on -a great presentation!" remarked one of the Principals, noting with some surprise that all present had not only stayed awake but had been fascinated by the plethora of images accompanying the dialogue.


Wednesday 10th October 2012:

Terry and Eddie performed The Chapter Experience for the Companions of the Chapter of Sincerity 600 and their many visitors in the commodious banqueting hall at Spring Bank Place, Bradford before the meal and were well received. Comments such as "First class!" and "I just loved the Banners Song!" were made afterwards -it wasgratifying that visitors had travelled from as far away as Middlesborough to view the entertainment. Terry and Eddie (here pictured with the Principals E. Companions Mack, Moss and Slade) were pleased to thank the assembled company for their generous contribution.


Monday 24th September 2012:

Victoria Lodge 2669 meets in the prestigious Victoria Rooms atthe Midland Hotel in Bradford. This well appointed dedicated venue provided anexcellent setting for the Daggards' Writing the minutes, with Craig, Terry and Eddie performing in costume while Richard supplied the on-screen images illustrating events at the 1765 initiation. The Bradford Brethren were very appreciative, and joined in the Daggards' singing at the festive board in the sumptuous dining room.



Thursday 20th September 2012:

Mark Richardson's debut as a Daggard performer with Craig Maurier in "Shields and Swords" in the Humber Knights Templar Preceptory 223 was received with acclamation, and Craig was again involved following the banquet afterwards, alongside Eddie Wildman in the Daggards presentation of the Preceptory History. Visitors' comments included: "A truly wonderful evening", "This is just what we need", and "It is one of the best KT meetings I have ever attended." The ninetieth birthday celebration of the Preceptory was enhanced by the attendance not only of the distinguished guests, but by a team from the Sea Cadets who served at the meal with commendable smartness and efficiency.

Saturday 15th September 2012:

performance of "Certificates Past and Present" was given at Beverley Road for the Technical Lodge 5666. The coordination of music and  on-screen images and the seamless highlighting of particular features during the delivery of the presentation met with the approbation of those Brethren who perform similar tasks on their PCs. Some Brethren brought their own certificates along to see how they reflected the changes made over time and to compare them with those illustrated.

Monday 23rd July 2012:

The John Ashton Wade Lodge of Installed Mark Masters in Driffield enjoyed a convivial evening: following the Lodge business, the Brethren and their Ladies  were entertained after the meal when Eddie and Terry performed a selection of songs, poetry and other material reflecting Masonic merrymaking at the festive board. The Worshipful Master, John Broughton, himself in fine voice, generously donated some of the proceeds from the raffle to the Daggards: this was, of course, gratefully received and will be properly applied.


Friday 13th July 2012:

The debut performance of Grand Lodge Certificates Past and Present was at the De la Pole Pole 1605. The Brethren were most appreciative, and the comments made afterwards remarking on aspects of the presentation showed that the audience had been particularly attentive; indeed, other certificates were produced and carefully examined.

The Daggards would like to thank the De la Pole Brethren for their very generous donation to our charitable work.



Wednesday 11th July 2012:

Denison Lodge 1248 at Scarborough enjoyed a happy evening with wives and visitors as Eddie, Terry and John outlined the songs, poems and anecdotal  events that took place both historically and currently during the meal following regular Masonic meetings. This was in the Lodge Room; afterwards, in the dining room below, further Entertainment at the Festive Board took place. The Master, W. Bro. David Blackburn declared the performance amazing. Mary, his wife, was delighted to receive a basket of flowers from John during The Flower Song.





Tuesday 22nd May 2012:

The Provincial Grand StewardsChapter 9611 enjoyed The Chapter Experience at the Masonic Hall in Malton. As the Lodge Room at this venue is quite small, Terry and Eddie elected to perform in the dining hall before the meal was served, which gave everybody a better view. Comments such as "Totally off the wall, fantastic," and "I'll never be able to say the name Zerubabbel again without smiling," were an indication of how this different approach to explaining the Chapter was appreciated. A most companionable evening. The Daggards are most grateful for the generous donation.


Saturday 19th May 2012:

Technical Lodge 5666 celebrated its seventy-fifth anniversary with lectures upstairs on the Beverley Road building and the Lodge since its 1937 inception by W. Bro Barry Hovell (last year's Provincial Lecturer) and the Lodge's most recent member, Fellow Craft Freemason Kanthimathinathan Muthsamy. Downstairs after the meal the gathering enjoyed a light-hearted Daggards interpretation of how the Technical College gave rise to the Lodge of the same name: the parts of the headmaster, various staff, the prefects and the incorrigible Chew Minor performed by Eddie Wildman, John Wheeldon and Peter Chew.  


Tuesday 15th May 2012:

The Dagger Lane Lodge Room was full for the Annual Old Schools Lodges Meeting: the Hull Old Grammarians' Lodge 5129 hosting the event this year with W. Bro. Geoffrey William Branton in the Master's Chair. The Assistant Provincial Grand Master, W. Bro. Malcolm John Dabbs attended with his team of active Provincial Officers, one of whom, W. Bro. Philip Daniels, ProvJGW, joined Eddie and Terry in the Daggards presentation




Welcome to The Daggards